Two for an Adventure

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For the longest time, what felt like forever, Leo sat in silence at the table in the outpost. In that silence the young half Dwarf couldn't help but see the looks given to him by the adventurers currently frequenting the miniature guild hall. It was clear to Leo that they thought him the dumbest man in Alem for taking a job that afford no income and he knew nothing about. The only one in the building not scrutinizing him was the man whose job Leo had excepted, the stranger who Jake and he had seen in the woods.
The whole time they sat together the stranger said nothing and the only reason Leo didn't completely panic yet was because the man simply exuded calm. So much so that Leo at first didn't feel a need to rush into saying anything or go anywhere, he was right where he wanted to be. But even with calm feelings, the act of waiting will eventually take its toll on even the most patient of individuals. So after a minute more Leo decided to ask the question that was most present in his mind, a simple question that he had been pondering for quite a while. Who are you? As the words left his mouth an unbelievable weight of suspense settled on him.
The answer Leo got from the stranger wasn't what he was expecting and truthfully it wasn't what he wanted because it was in all honesty boring. First the stranger chuckled in a tone that reminded Leo of a wise grandfatherly figure. He found this strange as, if the skin on the mans hands where anything to go by, he was still young. Then in the simplest of words the stranger answered, for now I am but a simple traveler. Leo found the answer a little unbelievably given the stakes of the stranger claimed his job held.

Now Leo was beginning to have second thoughts about having excepted the job, could he even except a job. Now that Leo thought about it he wondered if it was even possible to except an adventure if you weren't even a guild member. Maybe I rushed into this way to fast Leo thought to himself.

As if reading his mind the stranger softly held up his hand to get Leo's attention, something he didn't have trouble doing. Relax my young friend, all will be fine said the stranger in a soothing tone of voice. There is more to the answer of who I am but I fear this is not the place to finish that discussion he explained. As for your worries about the acceptance of the job, since it's not an adventure sanctioned by the guild you do not need to be a member to except it the stranger finished.
Now Leo wondered if the stranger was actually able to read his mind given the young Dwarf hadn't said anything and still the stranger had answered his questions. Seriously who are you Leo asked in total shock and amazement. Like I said I can not answer that question here responded the stranger. But why not asked Leo. Like I explained to you before it's to dangerous to discuss things here said the stranger. If that's the case then why did you lead us in here asked Leo. Clearly you were to lost in thought to remember that you my young my younger friend were the one who has lead us into the outpost said the stranger.
Oh Leo said now feeling complete embarrassment. I guess I really wasn't paying attention. Do not feel bad for much has happened in such a short period of time for you that most anyone would begin to feel overwhelmed said the stranger in an attempt to comfort Leo. Leo smiled slightly feeling reassured by the strangers kind words. Even so he didn't lose his curiosity and was ready to ask more questions. Again the stranger seemed to have read Leo's mind. Shall we go and find a more secluded place to talk business asked the stranger as a rose from his seat.

Amazed and a little frightened by the stranger ability to seemingly read him with ease Leo quickly stood up himself. Yes it would probably be best to go find a more private place so that we can discuss details as soon as possible said Leo. Well said my young friend was the stranger reply. As the two turned towards the entrance to the adventurers outpost ready to leave the door opened with a loud bang. To Leo's surprise standing in the doorway was Jack looking exhausted. Jack Leo asked out loud in confusion.

The question managed to reach the ears of the young man and he looked around eventually finding his friend with a stranger standing at the back corner table of the building. Upon seeing Leo Jack began making his way over immediately, clumsily attempting to navigate his way through the tables spread across the floor. This attempt wasn't successful as he bumped into a few of the tables, angering the adventurers that spilled the drinks because of him. A friend of yours the stranger asked in a whisper, having to lean down to do so because of his hight.
Yeah, my best friend, has been ever since I came to Alem said Leo explaining the situation between him and Jack to the stranger. The stranger nodded in understanding before standing up to his full hight again. It was about at that moment when Jack had reached the two of them, stopping and breathing heavily. Are you ok asked Leo. Ran...all the way here...heard about the job Jack explained panting hard. After a few deep breaths Jack managed to finally catch his breath and talked normally again. As soon as I heard the news I immediately got a bad feeling about this job. So I ran all over town hoping to find you and convince you to decline the job Jack explained.
While I admire your commitment to your friend I'm afraid he has already agreed to help me, in fact we were just on are why to discuss the details of the job now said the stranger. It was here that Jack finally fully registered the tall hooded figure standing next to Leo. After observing the stranger for a brief moment a confused look found its way onto Jacks face. I might be mistaken but are you the guy from the woods asked Jack. I'm afraid I don't understand the question, what is it you're asking me the now confused stranger asked. About a week ago me and Leo were in the woods talking when a stranger walked by who looked a lot like you Jack said explaining what he meant.
The stranger made a humming noise as he searched his memories. Leo already knew that the stranger was indeed the same man from the woods. The stranger himself though seemed to be unsure. While I had taken a short cut through the woods from the town of Belan to Dey, I don't remember much of the trip as I myself was deep in thought much like you Leo answered the Stranger. So do you not even remember what you said to us, Leo asked. I'm afraid not answered the stranger. what did I say, perhaps if you tell me I'll remember.
So Leo began to recount the events of that day a week ago, telling the stranger what him and Jack were discussing. Then he told the stranger what he had said to them in passing. Well that definitely sounds like me put I'm afraid I still don't remember, like I said I was deep in thought explained the stranger. What about what you said asked Leo. You know the whole thing about the rulers feeling to embarrassed to admit they were tricked. It's definitely one possibility said the stranger. But there are many possibilities that could be true. Perhaps Drogur has servants that managed to infiltrate the highest levels of the three kingdoms explained the stranger. But this is no place to discuss things better talked about in private said the stranger. Especially when evils spies are everywhere the stranger said in hushed tones.
Shaking his head to throw away the curiosity plaguing his mind, Jack reminded himself as to why he was there in the first place. Drogur's servants, evil's spies, this is all the more reason to listen to common sense Leo and don't take this man's job said Jack. Now that he was spooked Jack also spoke in hushed tones. Leo wasn't scared, at least not extremely, so he didn't talk in whispers but calmly. I'm sorry Jack but I already agreed to help this man, despite my previous misgivings said Leo. But why, I heard he's not even paying you, why would you do this asked Jack? It's hard to explain Jack but I had a feeling deep in my gut, a feeling that I have to do this answered Leo.
With Leo now resolute and unwavering on his decision to take the strangers job he walked up and put a hand a Jacks shoulder. Thank you for caring enough to try and stop me my friend but now I have to go, it's time to learn what this job is said Leo. The half Dwarf walked past his friend and began to leave, the stranger fallowing close behind, Pardon me he said as he past. Jack turned and watched the two walk out the building. As they left Jack couldn't believe that his plea to Leo fell on deaf ears, no he really could. Jack knew that Leo was stubborn as soon as he came to a decision. more so though as soon as Leo and the stranger were out of sight Jack to came to a decision.
This decision was based on a feeling, a similar if not the same exact feeling that Leo had when he saw the strangers despair in front of the outpost. A feeling of an uncontrollable urge to act came over him and before Jack knew it he sprinted out of the outpost. Catching up to the two Jack stop in front of Leo and the stranger blocking their path. If I can't stop you then I'm going with you Jack said with confidence.

Leo looked at his friend clearly not expecting this. You don't even know what the job is or what it entails said Leo trying to dissuade his friend. You don't know what the job is either which is all the more reason for me to go, you don't know how dangerous it could be so you're going to need someone to watch your back argued Jack. Leo didn't know what to say, Jack wanted to come because it could be dangerous but that's exactly why Leo didn't want him to come. He didn't know what to do and found himself looking to the stranger for help. Leo couldn't see the strangers face but he could have sworn he felt amusement coming from him. That's when Leo knew that it was no use. With a sigh Leo asked the stranger, is it ok if my friend comes with me?
The stranger began to laugh like an old man amused by the actions of the young. Then with a jolly voice he said, how could I deny a young man's desire to help his friend. There it was again Leo noticed, the stranger referring to them as young. Why does he do that Leo thought to himself.
I would be more then glad to let such a loyal person accompany you, it would even be beneficial in the long run if you Leo didn't travel alone the stranger explained. Welcome aboard Jack the faithful. May the loyalty to your friend never change the stranger's voice seemed to boom despite not speaking in a load tone.

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