The Unexpected Decision

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As dawn came the sun rose on the kingdom of Alem. As it did light began to brighten the woodlands outside of Dey and the living creatures that call the forest home began to move. Slowly out of a small depression in the ground came one of these creatures. A plump brown rabbit now sat on the forest floor ready to start its instinctive daily routine. The rabbit took a few hops forward then stopped, its nose twitched a few times before he once again hopped forward.
Little does the small rabbit know, it's being watched by eyes filled with hunger. The small brown rabbit hopped a few more times before its instinct sense of danger told it something was wrong. At that instant a fully grown grey wolf barreled out of its hiding spot and charged at the hapless rabbit. Not one to give up life so easily to a predator the rabbit fled for a safe place to hide.
The rabbit would have went back to its hole in the earth if not for the wolf being between it and the depression. So the rabbit, with no other choice, went deeper into the woods with the wolf right on its tail. For an instant it looked as if the rabbit would be caught. But then before the wolf could sink its teeth the rabbit made a sharp turn. The wolf attempted to turn and follow but ended up sliding a foot across the ground. This would prove the undoing of the predator.
When the grey wolf turned she slid right into a hunting trap. As the wolf went in she was impaled on wooden spikes stuck into the bottom of the hole. The rabbit most likely seen the trap despite it being hidden and avoided it, but the wolf being so focused on her meal she didn't even realize there was any danger.
As the wolf lay dead in the trap the hunter that made it came walking up. The small but built stature of Leo bent down to examine his catch. I was hoping for a rabbit but you'll be just as good. All throughout the area of the forest untraveled by the people of Dey Leo had placed many hunting traps. This is the only form of hunting Leo can actually properly preform. He isn't a good marksman and because of his Dwarf blood, building anything comes naturally which makes the construction of traps a more efficient method of hunting for him. Still there are days that Leo wished he had the accuracy and precision of an Elf spearman
After checking the rest of his traps Leo managed to come away with enough meat to last a normal man a week. This would be an amazing hunt for anyone else in Dey but not Leo. He inherited a Dwarfs appetite meaning the meat may only last him a day or two. I was hoping to get more so I wouldn't have to go out hunting again so soon. Leo said to himself as he easily packed an incredible amount of weight in animals back to the logging camp. But it can't be helped I guess, with monsters hunting the animals to I should consider myself lucky to even get this.

Almost a week has past since the news of the Warlocks new hero and the increase in monster attacks came to Leo. Jack would later find out and tell him that the information was already a month old. Still at the time the implications of this information didn't seem to effect him or the people of Dey. Eventually, like ripples in a pond, all the troubles would reach even a small backwater town like theirs. Still Leo tried to make do with what he could.
Once reaching the logging camp Leo began the process of preparing the meat and skins. By now you might be wondering why Leo would even need to hunt in the first place, he could just go to town and by food. Well first you must understand this is a different time then the one you or I live in. There isn't just an abundance of markets and shops that one can go to for meat. In fact in all of Dey there is but one slaughter plant and even it has trouble keeping up with a town as small as Dey. Another reason is Leo's job.
Rick is the owner of probably the smallest lumber company in all of Alem, if not the world. Because of this the amount he can pay his workers is on the lower side. In all honesty Leo feels pretty bad for Rick, because he can't pay the best so many of the workers leave for better jobs. This causes production to slow making it even harder for Rick to keep the company afloat. This is also one of the reasons Leo likes Rick so much, despite all the problems the old man still looks out for him.
That's why, despite it meaning that he'll have even less for himself, Leo shares apart of his hunt with Rick, who because of his business doesn't really have a lot of time to go hunting for himself. One last reason Leo hunts is to make extra money with the selling of animal pelts. Of course that goes back to his low pay.
With his vast amount of hunting experience Leo was able to finish preparing the meat within an hour. The pelts would however take a few days to dry. Still that only means that all the pelts he managed to get a week before are ready to be sold. So after gathering all them up Leo bundled them together and was ready to take them off. As he was leaving a lone figure emerged from the main cabin of the logging camp. The figure, upon seeing Leo with his stuff, called out to him.
You on your way to town the man called out to Leo. Hearing the family voice Leo turned to see a grey haired elderly man with a scar that stretched from the top right side of his face to the bottom left. A distinct feature that the man got from a close call logging in his younger days. Most would be weary of the grizzled looking old man but Leo just smiled for it was Rick.
Yes I am, Leo yelled back, a smile on his face. Some of my pelts are ready so I'm taking them off to be sold! We'll be careful will ya, there are more and more monster reports coming in daily Rick said in concern. Don't worry I'll be fine, Leo responded. Better safe then sorry was Ricks final words to Leo as he waved goodbye.
While keeping Ricks warning in mind Leo began making his way to town. The journey from the logging camp to Dey would take Leo roughly an hour. Of course that is all dependent on the pace he goes, but given Leo's in no hurry an hour he will walk. Besides the young Dwarf still had a lot to think about. It may have been a week but the stranger in the woods still crept into his mind every now and again. With the thoughts of the stranger occupying him the hour walk seemed to fly and Leo was soon in Dey.
The town of Dey was like most others that could be found in the outer most regions of the kingdom. The structures were mostly one story wooden buildings, a few were two story and one was even made of brick. The streets were just dirt roads that were solid and well packed down do to all the travel. Much like the size of the buildings the population of the town was also small, with the majority of the residents that live in town being the shop owners and their families. The rest of the citizens you see are usually farmers or others that live outside of town that have come to pick up some goods or much needed product.
Upon entering the town Leo began to receive wary looks from some of the town's folk. Leo knew a lot of it was just caution, he was still half enemy in there eyes and could be dangerous. But he also knew a few looks were still purely from hatred. He was experienced in telling which were which and knew how to avoid trouble.
And so Leo stopped waisting time and began going from stop to stop to try and sell his pelts. None of the shops weren't interested in buying as they already had an over abundance of pelts. Maybe I should have picked up the pace a little and got here sooner, Leo thought to himself. No matter though I still know who will always by my pelts.
Now you might be wondering, if Leo knew someone who would buy the pelts off of him why wouldn't he just go to them first. Well it's quite simple, Leo can't tell if the shop owner hates his guts or if she's just rude to everyone and because of that Leo is always trying to avoid going to her. But now that no one else will buy he has no choice.
Well I guess I have to sell my pelts to Agnes again Leo said begrudgingly to himself. I just hope she doesn't insult me to much this time around. As Leo spoke to himself he began to pass by the Adventurers outpost in Dey. For those of you that don't know an Adventurers outpost is similar to a guild hall in almost all aspects except size. You see when a town is, like Dey or other outer region towns, to small to justify a guild hall they put in a smaller building known as an outpost. But really the only purpose for an outpost is to give the adventurers a place to get in one last meal and drink before they head off into the deadlands.
Of course if you didn't know what an Adventurers outpost is then you probably don't know what the deadlands are so I shall explain the best I can. As you know there are the three races of the world, the Elves, the Dwarfs, and the Humans, with each of these races having their own sort of territory. The Humans as you know have the Kingdom of Alem. The Dwarfs themselves live in the mountainous regions of the world calling there territory Steinn. Unlike the Humans and Dwarfs, the Elves name for their home is unknown to all except Elves for it is in a language that can only be spoken by Elves. Still it is referred to by the Humans simply as the Elfwood. A strange name considering that the Elves live in a primarily arctic region that is dark almost year around.
Now that you know this you can better understand that the deadlands are simply the harsh wilds that separates the three kingdoms from each other. No one would normally go out into the deadlands do to it being so dangerous, because of this Adventurers are hired to head out into such a place for various reasons. Do to this the outpost was usually busy with people coming and going from the deadlands. On this day though the outpost was bustling with a commotion that Leo had never seen before. I wonder what that's all about Leo thought as he past the small building.
Once passing by the outpost it didn't take long for Leo to reach Agnes's shop. The shop looked like any other in town but unlike the others this shop made Leo think twice about weather or not he truly needs money. With a sigh Leo walked up to the door and pushing it open heard the bell above signal those inside of his arrival. Leo didn't get but a foot into the shop before the familiar voice of Agnes could be heard. Well well well if it isn't the half midget himself, back again to sell me more of your junk I see. All Leo could do after hearing this was take a deep breath before continuing in. As Leo did he heard one of the patrons already there laughing at what Agnes said to him. Half midget, junk, that's funny. Why are you laughing ugly Agnes yelled at the man who immediately shut up. What you brought me isn't any better, I doubt my husbands pigs would even buy it.
Completely embarrassed by her remarks the man grabbed the money he made from his goods and beelined it for the door. This left Leo alone in Agnes's shop with the wrinkled grey haired old grouch herself. Lovely day today isn't it Leo said in a friendly tone. He always hoped that by being nice to Agnes every time he comes in that she'll eventually have a change in attitude towards him. How in the devil's name would I know I'm stuck inside all day Agnes responded in her usual hateful manner, nothing having changed.
After she hurled a few more insults at him Agnes finally got to examining the pelts Leo brought in. Like always Dwarf you bring me nothing but utter rubbish she said. I'll give you a ten copper pieces for all of them. Only ten copper pieces Leo said in disbelief, just last month you gave me a silver piece for the same amount. The pelts last week were better responded Agnes. You said they were rubbish then to Leo countered in frustration. No I didn't was her only argument.
After continuing their back and forth for a good while Leo managed to wrench an extra five copper pieces out of Agnes. It was clear that fifteen copper pieces was all he was going to get from her so Leo excepted the money before taking his leave. Good now get out and don't come back ya cave rat unless you have something actually worth selling to me next time. Leo just sighed at the fact that Agnes couldn't let him leave without one last insult.

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