Chapter Two

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Nesta was curled in a chair in the living room of the House of Wind, her book laid open in her lap. Her cheeks grew hot and she began to squirm as the scene she read grew more heated. It was a slow burn and she had finally gotten to the good stuff, the author having teased her so long that the gratification was glowing.

"Mind if I join?"

Nesta gasped, slamming her book shut, and looked up to find Cassian, his hair dripping water down his bare chest and disappearing beneath the towel draped across his hips and loosely secured. Her jaw went slack before she could catch herself, quickly correcting herself. She held up her book to shield her eyes- giving Cassian a front-row seat to what she was reading.

"Can you not walk around naked?" She hissed.

"So, you can read about it, but not see it?" Cassian grinned smugly.

Nesta glared at him.

"Mind your own business," she snapped. "What I read has nothing to do with you. Don't come out here naked and pretend it wasn't intentional." Her chest rose and fell quickly as she tried her absolute hardest to keep her eyes on his and not allow them to wander down...

"It was entirely intentional," he shrugged, leaning languidly against the door frame, crossing his arms across his broad chest. Nesta had no idea what to do with that, her cheeks blazing and stomach tightening. She needed to get back to her room.


"To make you squirm," he confessed nonchalantly. His eyes darkened. "Did it work? Are you... squirming in your seat, Nesta?" She felt like her breath was caught in her throat. Fuck. She knew she looked like she'd been stunned.

"No." She quickly looked away from him. He chuckled.

"Suppose I'll just have to try harder, won't I?" He hummed before disappearing into the kitchen. Nesta finally took a breath, attempting to center herself, but it was impossible now. After reading that scene and seeing what Cassian looked like under those leathers? She was flustered, to say the very least.

Nesta rose from her chair, her legs mildly numb from the pretzel-ish position she'd been twisted into as she read. She sighed, mumbling to herself as she started down the hallway to her room. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and leaning back against the door after she shut it, sealing herself inside.

"Someone seems wound tight," a voice said, and Nesta felt ready to throw her book- or herself- through her window. Azriel lounged on her bed, his hands tucked back behind his head as he watched her with a sparkle of wicked amusement glinting in his hazel eyes. Gods, did these boys know nothing about personal space?

"What the hells are you doing here." She leveled him with a violent gaze. He grinned like he didn't have a care or concern in the world.

"Waiting for you," he shrugged.


"Wanted to talk to you."


"Cass and I are watching a movie tomorrow night. We want you to come," Azriel suggested with a hint of something lustful in his deep voice. The idea sent a shiver down Nesta's body. The idea of being alone for two hours... with the both of them...

"Why do you want me there?" She crossed her arms.

"Come and find out," was all Azriel said.

"Convincing," Nesta snarked. The corner of Azriel's lips twitched.

"Would you like me to convince you, Nesta?" He arched a challenging brow. "I can be quite persuasive." Goosebumps covered her skin. Him in her bed, talking to her like this... He needed to go. She was not being herself right now.

"I want to go to bed," Nesta huffed.

Azriel grinned.

"Guarantee that's the last time you kick me out of your bed," he murmured, standing and walking over to her. He grabbed her chin gently in his hand, tipping her head back so she was forced to look up at him. "See you tomorrow night, Nesta. Sleep well." Then he was gone, closing her door behind him.

She flopped onto her bed lifelessly, grabbing her pillow and screaming into it. She was in way over her head. She didn't know what game Azriel and Cassian were playing, but she was terrified of it. She could not give in to them. She wouldn't. She refused. 

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