Chapter 1

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Spryzen wobbled, unexpectedly as the other bey began a ferocious barrage attack.

"It seems the rare weak launch from the prodigy Shu Kurenai is taking its toll!" The announcer shouts in surprise.

'I wasn't able to centre my core for the optimal launch!' Shu thinks.

Shu's brows furrow, his vision blurring in the corners, yet he strains his eyes to focus on the battle. His legs feel as thin as lead, his face flushed. He needed to finish this quickly- normally, this guy would be a piece of cake for someone at Shu's calibre. The scent-blocker will diffuse soon...

His opponent grins, at his level to beat someone as renowned as Shu it would take a miracle- a chance he has now.

"Don't let up now, Poseidon!" The blader screams in excitement.

"What in the world is going on up there?!" Rantaro questions from the sidelines. "Shu never has this much trouble!"

It was the second round of the national team tournament, Rantaro's battle had ended in a draw, with Wakiya snagging a win with a ring-out. Shu was their last pick, and the team was certain of a swift victory, which he managed to for the first battle with a sleep-out, but a faulty launch in the second battle? That was so uncharacteristic of Shu.

"Maybe it's Shu's shoulder..." Daigo trails off thoughtfully.

"Ugh, whatever it is, he better not lose!" Wakiya yells, frustrated.

"Shu..." Valt mumbles, concerned for their level-headed friend.

'I need to win this now,' Shu thinks, his determination steeled. "Go now Spryzen, Counter Break them!"

And with the strength Spryzen could muster he lands a finishing blow with a burst finish. His opponent falls to his knees at the disappointing loss. Shu rings his hand in his fringe, showing his scar in victory, looking as calm as the sea.

The crowd goes wild, his fangirls cheering, unaware of the haze clouding Shu's conscience, the announcer enthusiastically stating the results.

Shu coolly walks back to the beyclub.

"Hey, great job!"

"Nice, we won!"

"You ok? Is it your shoulder?"

"You look red!"

"I'm fine guys," Shu confirms with a weak smile, then he winces as a sharp pain resounds in his stomach. "I gotta go."

He excuses himself and without awaiting goodbyes, he storms off, his body tense and pace fast.

"Somethings wrong, I'm going after him!" Valt says as he dashes off, as the beyclub glances at one another and follows.

After a while of chasing, they all reach a secluded hallway, with doors lined up for each of the teams. They all approach the room with Beigoma Academy Beyclub embroidered on the nameplate on the metallic door. Valt swipes the entrance key and the door opens as the step inside and shut the door.

A sweet smell instantly floods their nostrils- the scent of roses with hints of burning wood and cinnamon. Their eyes darted to Shu, who was pressed up against the opposite corner of the room, clutching his bag in an iron-clad clutch in front of his abdomen. His face blushing down to the back of his neck, heaving heavy breaths.

"Va-Valt..." He pants out weakly, opening his tightly shut eyes to reveal glossy crimson orbs, needy and longing.

The beyclub was stunned, the usually stoic blader rarely cracks a smile, much less such a vulnerable expression.

"Shu!" Valt says and rushes to his side, wrapping an arm around Shu's waist to help support his weight.

Shu leans into his warmth, and the comforting scent.

The other members still, watching silently as realisation finally dawns on them. Unless he has a million degree fever, the only other viable explanation is...

"SHU'S AN OMEGA?!" Rantaro, Wakiya and Daigo exclaim in bewilderment.

Shu's an omega?!Where stories live. Discover now