Chapter 3

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Ten minutes pass and all of Wakiya's personal deliveries arrive from his staff. Wakiya hands them all a face mask, Daigo for the purpose of blending in and the other's to minimise the effects of Shu's pheromones. Wakiya grabs the tote bag with the rest of the things and heads for the door, before Rantaro's muscled arms yank him back.

"Are you sure we can't just send Daigo in?!"

"Look, Daigo doesn't have the strength to restrain Shu, if he can unleash his full power and you two are far too soft; you guys will give in to his requests if he reasons well, which we all know he does!" Wakiya states, smartly.

"Hey Wakiya? Be careful, with him and you," Valt says to Wakiya's nod.


"Hey Shu," Wakiya greets, breathing more through his mouth as the mask wasn't the most effective but was their best bet.

Shu looks up from where he's crouched on the ground, his back against the bench, knees to his chest and head previously buried in them. His mouth is agape, hair messy and face red. His lips appear red and bitten from nerves. It was a pitiful and addicting vision to which Wakiya smacks his cheek to distract himself from claiming his rival.

"Wa, Wakiya," Shu breathes, his body leaning to Wakiya, attracted by his scent. "Alpha."

The title makes Wakiya more aroused than he's ever felt. Shu had always been superior to him- for his rival to be yearning for him and submitting- No. He had to control himself.

Wakiya crouched before Shu on one knee, and gently fixed a mask over Shu's lower face as well, to null the alphas scent. He tried his best to ignore the softness of his cheek- focusing on the high temperature which made his skin burning to feel. The silky, ivory strands were captivating as Wakiya slung the straps over his ears. Wakiya felt bad as Shu flinched at their proximity, knowing he must be in a state of immense pain and oversensitivity.

Wakiya fished in the bag and knew that what he would reveal would make Shu resist.

Shu's haze clears as refusal and something akin to fear settles in Shu's scarlet eyes. Wakiya opens his mouth to insist, yet surprisingly, Shu simply turns his head, using his hand to lift his long hair from the back of his neck. Wakiya overcomes his shock and bites his bottom lip harshly, to stop himself from marking Shu's nape as a claim.

The smooth skin was clear, with a light layer of sweat, in that submissive posture. But Wakiya couldn't betray Shu's trust, to bare his neck out so exposingly before an alpha was a move of ultimate risk. Wakiya quickly clamps the thick black choker with a decorative buckle on the side around Shu's neck- it was equipment often used by omegas to protect their scent gland so as to not be forcibly mated. Shu probably couldn't use one otherwise he'd be instantly identified.

Wakiya clenched his teeth, wanting to berate his teammate loudly- he was so smart, so careful, so desired, how could he take such a risk just to escape his own secondary gender?! Not even trusting his own teammates to protect him, even though he's helped them through so much?!

Finally, Wakiya pulled a black hoodie over Shu's top half- it was an oversized sweater with the intent to go mid-thigh to hide whatever slick or sweat may be making his upper pants stick to his skin- which were thankfully unnoticeable due to the dark pants Shu wore. He pulled the hoodie over Shu's head to hide as much as skin and hopefully disguise his appearance.

"This smell..." Shu muttered, knowingly.

"I scented it so it could mask your heat pheromone- I thought it'd be better than scenting you," Wakiya huffed, blushing- he knew scenting was a way of marking one's mate.

Shu smiled, strained yet genuine.

"Thanks Wakiya, also... I'm sorry for before."

"Whatever, you guys get emotional right? I doubt you meant that." Wakiya wasn't nearly as mad about that as Shu's neglect for his own base needs.

'He's a nice guy,' Shu thought.

He felt hot, sweltering. The thick layer added to the discomfort and pain, but he had to endure- it's what he did best. Act calm, conceal weakness; it's his fault, he's the problem; he shouldn't complain.


The group had to make it out of the back entrance. Rantaro slung an arm around Shu's waist, Shu's arm over his shoulder to partially drag him as the latter was opposed to being carried and they lacked the time to argue. In all purposes, Shu was handling it extremely well, mostly upright, mainly his speed was the issue which Rantaro was assisting with. Shu had a bad habit of leaning to the other side, aware his scent must be challenging for an alpha like Rantaro to resist, which Rantaro appreciated though it was more difficult to drag him.

Valt and Wakiya were in front of them and Daigo behind. In this formation they quickly and thankfully escaped through the back exit without being interrupted. They all congregated in Wakiya's limousine, with the windows down to ventilate Shu potent pheromones.

Valt snuggled to Shu side for comfort, feeling slight tremors and radiating heat. Just barely hearing the suppressed whimpers and noises.

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