Chapter 2

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"SHU'S AN OMEGA?!" Rantaro, Wakiya and Daigo exclaim in bewilderment.

At the call, Shu's eyes grow downcast and he avoids their gaze, turning his head away in shame. Valt shoots them a warning look, understanding flashing across the others faces.

Rantaro and Wakiya quickly block their nose, Shu's tantalising fragrance seducing their inner alpha- they're still in shock of how resistant Valt is.

"He's going into heat," Valt says worriedly, stating the obvious, worry overcoming his expression. "Daigo, I'm at my limit, can you help Shu to the bench?"

"Uh yeah," Daigo says, still bemused as he staggers to Shu.

"We'll be right outside Shu," Valt assures, detaching himself from Shu as the other reaches out before controlling his urges and nodding slightly.

As the three exit the room, Daigo lets Shu lean his body weight on him, from his uninjured side as they walk to the bench. Shu had a flurry of unprocessed emotions and thoughts swarming his head, the most potent being his screeching need to be held by an alpha. He was grateful that their team possessed a beta- he knew it wasn't smart to withhold his secondary gender from his own team, but the fact that Daigo, a beta, was there, his urgent worries were quenched.

"I... had no idea you were an omega," Daigo confesses, "I don't really know any, especially males. They are pretty rare- ah, I'm sure you know that. I don't know much about heat, do you need something? Ice, or like pillows?"

As a beta, Daigo's sense of smell regarding others pheromones were dulled, but from Shu's intense smell, even he could make out distress, stress, and a plethora of other negative emotions dampening his sweet smell. Despite the smells he smelt, Daigo was sure Shu's was the most appealing- not overly sweet, beautiful and enchanting. Even Daigo, who was immune to it, wanted to court Shu. Truly, a scent an omega should wear with prestige- though, he's aware why Shu wouldn't flaunt it.

"I- no, I'm good, thanks." Shu huffs out, exhausted and strained, a droplet of sweat cascading down his cheek. "Can I just have a minute?"

"Sure," Daigo says, a little unsure if it's safe to leave him alone, but it's not like the other could escape the room if they were right outside. "Call if you need anything."


"Valt, you knew?!" Wakiya shouted, accusingly.

"Well duh, me and Shu have been tight since kindergarten, we got our results at the same time!"

"Why didn't you guys say anything? Omegas need stuff and uh protection, and none of us even knew one was in our own team!" Rantaro scolds, his protective alpha reacting to the scent as well as his 'big brother' traits. "Much less in a team with three alphas- he could've been stimulated by our pheromones!!!"

"I know, I tried to tell him that too! He told me not to tell anyone and that he knew how to deal with it..." Valt trails off, looking like a dejected puppy. "Then a week trial period went and he actually handled it great, crazily great since none of you guys realised anything. And he was so, so stubborn..."

The conversation halts as the door clicks alerting them that Daigo joined them.

"How is he?!" Valt exclaims as Daigo emerges, before he can even close the door.

"Uh I don't know, the guy's still got his walls up." Daigo confesses, honestly.

"Alright, we have many questions, BUT, they have to wait. The priority is to get him home- anyone's, but probably his own since he'll have the things he needs to deal with it!" Wakiya commands.

"Alright, smarty-pants, but how?! He's gonna attract horny alphas like a bear to honey- maybe even trigger their ruts and all hell will break loose!! I couldn't stand another minute with him, and he clearly wants to keep his gender a massive secret!" Rantaro explodes with reasons, taking a steadying breath after his ramble.

As all their faces scrunch in confusion, a knock from the inside of the room startles them as they all yelp.

"SHU?" Valt loudly replied.

"Valt, can you get me some pre-heat suppressants? There's some cheap ones, hgn, by the convenience store the next building over. With those you guys can go, and I'll return home."

They all could hear the low grunts, despite his clear and steady voice. His acting was great, yet it was clear in that state, he wasn't as composed as he sounded.

"Yup! I'll get them right-"

"No!" Wakiya interrupts, denying Shu. "Pre-heat suppressants can't stop a heat that's already begun. I know you're planning to take more than the healthy dose, but that could seriously mess up so many things. Shu, we'll get you home without preservatives regardless of what you want."

"Woah," Rantaro says, surprised at the amount of knowledge Wakiya possessed.

"Listen in bio class," Daigo deadpans.

"It's not your business, Wakiya." Shu states, coldly. "I'll get them myself then."

At that, Rantaro quickly swipes his card, swiftly locking the door from the outside. They hear Shu shuffling, probably staggering to his bag for his own key. Instead, they hear a crash.

"Let's go check if he's ok!!" Valt screams, reaching for his card key.

Daigo halts his movement with his hand.

"Knowing Shu, he might gather up strength to run for it if the door opens. Let's first find a way to safely transport him." Daigo informs.

"But he's probably hurting..." Valt mumbles, eyes watering.

"He'll be okay," Rantaro comforts, placing a gentle hand on his little buddy's shoulder.

"Alright, I have an idea." Wakiya states.

Wakiya makes a few calls.

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