Chapter 4

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The ride was painful in some way or another for all involved- the alphas having trouble resisting the fertile omega in such close proximity, Daigo being mentally tormented by the situation and his futility, and Shu suffering physically and mentally distraught by causing this whole mess.

The ride was thankfully short, they all exited the car, even Shu staggered out alone. At Rantaro's approaching figure, he slowly shook his head in denial- not to be difficult, but the alpha pheromones might just numb the fragments of sanity he still preserved. They all looked worried, but Shu disregarded it, scavenging his keys from his bag and hastily unlocking his door- Wakiya figured even though Daigo's house was closer, the omega wouldn't appreciate the company of other families.

"Sorry guys... make yourself comfortable, I need some time alone." And with that breathy sentence, Shu rushed to his bedroom.


"I, urgh, have the things in my bedroom." He stuttered in response.

The beyclub decided  to settle in his dining table, a fair distance away from Shu's bedroom, so as not to let the scent sneak through the cracks in the doors. A heavy silence descended, even Valt, who never stopped talking, was quiet from the situation.

"Who would've thought that Shu of all people would be an omega?" Rantaro began, seriously. "If anything Valt, or even Daigo, from stature seemed more likely. Especially given his physical prowess and stoic face."

"Well, he was always strangely pretty," Wakiya scoffed, as a way to hide how sometimes he found himself mesmerised by the beauty of his rival.

"Yeah, Shu's always been super good-looking!" Valt agrees.

All four conjure a mental image of Shu's appearance, practically sparkling and attracting attention from all genders.

"Yeah, a plot twist for sure." Daigo agreed. "I don't think there's a need for us to worry now, he's probably dealt with many heats by now."

"Uh Valt, you know if he's ever had a mate- or even a partner for his heats? I've heard that heats are so painful for omega, and though I didn't pay much mind to it, but for it to break Shu like that; it must be rough." Rantaro considers, most omegas were partnered with an alpha for their heats or arranged some system from a young age, though Shu was always a more independent guy- another aspect which differentiated from the standardised image of an omega.

"Not that I know," Valt confesses, worriedly. "He always seemed to be in pain at that time of the month but refused help and closed himself off from the face of the earth for that week. Me and Xander both offered to help many times."

"Ugh, that idiot is so reckless for someone so smart!" Wakiya exclaims, "I'm sure he knows heats just keep getting harder as he neglects care from alphas!"

"Geez Wakiya, why are you getting so worked up?" Rantaro questions, defensive.

Wakiya simply glares, to which the other reciprocates.

"How'd he manage to hide it so well? I'd understand a little more if it was an alpha, but to hide being an omega is practically unheard of," Daigo states, impressed.

"Righht?! I even forgot he was an omega most of the time!" Valt exclaims, the mood lifted by his stupid innocence.

"Only that guy could pull off a win in a tournament whilst in heat," Rantaro agreed, grinning proudly.

"I feel like such an idiot? What kinda alpha can't identify one omega?!" Wakiya exclaims, frustrated.

"Aw man, know that you mention it... it does kinda feel like I failed!" Rantaro agrees, screwing his eyes shut.

"I mean he fooled all of Japan, if it helps!" Valt encourages, "everyone thinks he's an alpha!"

"Wait," Daigo says as realisation dawns on him, the other's peer at him with interest. "In the personal forms detailing gender, identity, consent in the national team tournament what did he write?"

"Ah! You're right!" Rantaro agrees, "there's no way he lied to the officials right?"

"Wrong!" Wakiya denies, "the officials send a branded protective choker to all omegas- didn't you see it on Akira? Omegas can refuse to wear it, though it's rare they allow the refusal without purpose, but it would've been sent with the acceptance letter. I don't recall Shu receiving a package..."

"But they might've shipped it to Shu privately, he was admitted from the District tournament, earlier than the rest of us." Daigo reasons, "but Valt you'd know right?"

"Uhhhh, I have no idea we even did those," Valt says dumbly.

"You're mum must fill those out for you, huh?" Rantaro face-palms, kind of endeared by his friend. "But Shu lives alone, so he must've done it on his own."

"We can ask him when he's better, for now I think we've overstayed our visit." Daigo says.

They all agree and leave the apartment with mixed feelings.

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