Chapter 2 - What Is He DOING

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It had been nine days since Sabre had trapped Rainbow. Five since Rainbow appeared corrupted. And just yesterday, Sabre was forced to spend time with some creepy elder blue who was clearly more than he says. Sabre's life was full of surprises, but this was getting out of hand. He couldn't tell if he was in danger, or just paranoid. But there was definitely more going on.

He was planning on letting Rainbow go, just to see what he'd do, so he surrounded the pedestal in lava. After hearing what the Elder had to say, Sabre wanted to kill Rainbow Steve less and less. But, he sighed, it wasn't like not killing the Steve would do him any favors. Keeping it alive would probably just make Sabre's life more complicated. Though, he did consider himself a master at evading death.

He stepped back and wrapped his hand around the lever, pulling back. The pistons retracted, and Rainbow Steve's body went limp and fell forward. The Steve regained its footing and glanced around nervously, before its eyes set on Sabre. Lightning struck, and he was gone.

Sabre sighed and stepped back. Of course he had to deal with the clipping again. Lightning struck every now and again, and Sabre shifted lazily around to avoid it. He couldn't sleep yet again that night for some odd reason, so he wasn't really in the mood for this stuff. He just had to wait for Rainbow Steve to come back.

He faced the machine again, and there he was. A mix of rainbow colors, the yellow and purple removed—a reminder that stung in his chest for some reason—standing there shaking. Sabre stood there, waiting for something to happen. Maybe it would smite him, maybe it would fly overhead and drown him in a wave of water. Instead, it whispered something hoarse under its breath. He froze.

"What?" He asked, as if he'd be responded to. Rainbow Steve just disappeared again. Sabre stood there, contemplating.

"Did- did you just try talking to me?" Sabre called out to the air as if Rainbow Steve would hear him. It didn't respond, obviously, but Sabre felt the answer was more than obvious. Those were words, vaguely familiar, yet still unintelligible. He glanced around, searching for Rainbow Steve again.

He was a little frustrated at Rainbow Steve's refusal to pop back up. He needed confirmation in what he heard. He disconnected the trap and picked up the lava, thinking maybe Rainbow Steve was scared of it, or something. As he deconstructed the trap, he saw Rainbow Steve pop back up in the corner of his eye, quietly watching him do it. He continued removing the pistons and the redstone, eyes on Rainbow Steve. When he was done, he slowly and carefully made his way closer to Rainbow Steve.

"You spoke to me." Sabre said it as a fact he wanted Rainbow Steve to confirm. Rainbow Steve's head continued to spasm around, but it felt like a nod of confirmation to Sabre. Okay.

Rainbow uttered out another, longer string of alien words. Sabre nodded as if he understood, which he didn't, but maybe Rainbow Steve wouldn't smite him if he pretended to be understanding. And then Rainbow Steve was gone again. Sabre sighed. Again.

Rainbow was trying to talk to him. Why? Why waste words on him, the same person who experimented on him and had hurt him? It wasn't that Sabre felt remorse—not towards a mess of code like Rainbow Steve—but he didn't understand the logic. Sabre looked off towards the lightning getting farther away. Rainbow was long gone at this point.

Sabre let himself lay on the grass, looking up at the blue sky. Something was wrong, definitely. Whatever. Sabre was a master at evading death.

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