Chapter 5 - Freedom, in More Ways Than One

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It had only been 5 days since Sabre separated Rainbow Steve. And here he was. Standing in front of a rainbow colored machine, now charged with the energy of the 5 colored Steves.

He had managed to escape Light without causing the little guy to freak out, and ended up discovering Dark Steve too. Now, the subject of Rainbow was much more urgent.

He looked down to the lever at his feet. If he flicked this, it would—if all things went according to plan—bring back Rainbow Steve. Sabre's mind flashed with remembrance; he couldn't help but think of that small face, wet with tears. He still couldn't figure out why he regretted it so much.

If Dark Steve wanted Rainbow dead, well, that was all it took to convince Sabre to bring Rainbow back. And get him far, far away. It was hard to identify why he wanted Rainbow to be safe, but he figured it was better than letting Dark get what he wanted. Just as Sabre thought, there was so much more going on.

He ran his hand over the rainbow wool of the machine. Soft, and supercharged with the energy of 5 Steves. Probably a little dangerous, he thought as he stepped back.

Sabre wondered how Rainbow would feel to be back. Would he hold a grudge? Probably. Sabre would too. As Sabre thought of Rainbow, his mind also drifted to Light. Light was alone back in the snow biome, and he desperately needed company. Light would probably really love to meet Rainbow, but it wasn't his place to decide where Rainbow went anymore, as much as he wished it was.

Sabre stepped back and bent down towards the lever. This was it. If he did this, Rainbow would be free again. That either meant their fighting was over for good, or it would become much, much worse. Steeling his nerves, Sabre flicked the lever and stepped back.

He held onto his sword in defense as Rainbow Steve appeared on the pedestal. The last time he saw that face, it was tear-coated and strained with fear and pain. Now, his face was a peaceful kind of sleep. His eyes opened as he slowly looked up, but he was locked into the machine and unable to move.

Rainbow Steve's eyes became filled with panic when he fully registered Sabre. He focused on the sword in hand, and Sabre immediately dropped it and stepped back. There goes my defense, he thought. He could manage, it wasn't like the sword did anything to the Steve before. He just wanted Rainbow to relax.

And relax he did, if only slightly. He watched Sabre with caution, a bit of fear, but mostly curiosity. Sabre had seen that look on many animals seconds before being slaughtered. He looked away, feeling almost ashamed.

Sabre walked up to the lever connected to the pistons, and freed the Steve. Rainbow's body fell forward a bit before he stood on the grass, looking around in confusion.

"You're free to go." Sabre couldn't face him. He kicked his sword further away as if to prove his point.

Rainbow watched him curiously. He took a step towards Sabre observing cautiously. And then he turned around to half walk, half sprint the other way.

Sabre watched as he bounded away, somewhere along the way deciding to fly slightly over the ground. He watched until he was completely gone and had disappeared into the trees. There he went.

Sabre lost his test subject, but he didn't feel upset. He didn't feel totally happy, either. It was more like a content, satisfied feeling. He didn't try to identify that feeling. It wasn't like he'd get anywhere if he did. Sabre was never good with feelings.

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