Chapter 42

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"Ok let's all just calm down!" mom says and i cross my arms "no" i say back "bad child" mom says "told you she's still mean to me!" dad says "when has she not been mean to you" mom says unimpressed "he's a big baby" i say back "are child is getting married!" dad says getting the attention off him. She quickly looks at me "yes I'm marrying Todd, we plan on doing the wedding here since we're back for a few days" i say "when the fuck!" mom says trying to process it "language!" me and dad say "I'm allowed to swear unlike you people!" mom says "the hell to!" i say back "that's unfair!" dad says "oh my god!" mom says. I hear Todd scream "the hell" i say looking out the window to see his mom chasing him around the yard with a stick to a broom "was that Todd who screamed" mom says "yep he still screams like a girl" i say back "god" mom says laughing a bit walking up to the window. She takes my necklace out of my shirt "you have my wedding ring, how did you get it" mom says slightly confused then i look at dad as he walks up to us "it was found at the plane crash" dad says then she notices my wrist. She holds it and slides her hand over the textured skin "Jane" mom says "uh, yeah, I've struggled with it the most" i say back "i want to see your back since i was told about the whole thing happening" dad says "k" i say back and he pulls up the back of my shirt enough to see the bruise and mom looks at it "oh my god!" mom says "the fuck!" dad says "yep" i say back and he pulls my shirt back down "who did that" mom says then i point outside at Todd "you stay here with your father" mom says heading to the door and going outside "fuck" i say "how did it happen, i want to hear your side of the story" dad says. I explain everything "now can i kill Todd!" dad says "hell no!" i say back. The front door opens and Todd gets pulled into the room by his mom who had ahold of his hair as i fight laughing "why!" Todd says "i just had to chase your ass around the yard, I'm keeping ahold of you now!" Jennifer says i laugh. An hour passes and me and Todd make it to are hotel room which i let him book it this time. We go inside and i look around "this is nice" i say smiling, there was a huge bed, the tv was on the wall across from the bed, there was big windows that let in plenty of light, the carpet was fluffy and soft "wait till you see the bathroom princess" Todd says smiling and i follow him into it. My eyes widen seeing a massive bathtub "that thing is like the size of a hot tub!" i say back he laughs "yep, figured tonight we could have sex in a bath" Todd says "oh you can fuck me as many times as you want in this thing" i say back stepping into it "this thing is like as long as i am!" i say he laughs "since it's getting dark out, what if we unpack then we can try out the lube i brought" Todd says smiling "you read my mind" i say back smiling we laugh. After a few minutes we finish unpacking and i sit on the bed "now what kind would my princess like" Todd says sitting beside me laying out all the kinds on the bed "hm, watermelon" i say back handing the bottle to him "watermelon it is" Todd says before kissing me. He pulls away "now let's get you nude" Todd says smiling i laugh quietly. I get undressed as he makes the bed comfortable then he pats the spot he wanted me and i lay down propped up a bit. He gets in between my legs and opens the bottle before starting to cover my clit with it "how much do you plan on putting" i say laughing a bit "a lot" Todd says smiling. After a few seconds he puts the bottle aside and i felt the lube run down my clit to my ass "you look hotter then before" Todd says smiling using his finger to smear it around more i laugh quietly. He takes his shirt off before kissing me playing with my clit as are lips move in sync and my hand trails his abs. The kisses get sloppy before he pulls away "ready to cum till you can't" Todd says smiling "yep" i say back smiling before he kisses me. He pulls away and lays on his stomach holding onto my hips kissing the inside of my thighs. He starts to lick my clit and moans leave my mouth from him going all out. I lean my head back as pleasure takes over my body from how messy he was being with it. An hour an a half passes "i know you have one more in you princess" Todd says breathing heavily as he slams into me "please i can't cum anymore!" i say back whining digging my nails into his back "yes you can princess, one more" Todd says as i feel the knot build up. It releases as i bury my face into his shoulder moaning mixed with screams feeling myself squirt for the 8th time. After a few seconds i calm down catching my breath relaxing my body as it shakes "amazing girl princess" Todd says before kissing my forehead "fuck i feel like i can't move my body" i say he laughs "you don't need to move your body I'm here to move it" Todd says before leaving soft kisses all over my face. He kisses me before pulling away "wanna cuddle in the bath, try a new kind of aftercare" Todd says "is that even possible" i say back "yeah, you'll sit on my lap and i can hold onto you" Todd says "then yes" i say back "be back my princess" Todd says. He goes to the bathroom as i manage to roll onto my stomach getting my breath back. After a few minutes he comes back and picks me up taking me to the bathroom then he sits in the bathtub. He leans against the wall of it and i sit sideways so i could have my head resting on his chest. He holds onto me as i take in the heat from the water "your a very good girl princess" Todd says softly scratching my back. He kisses the top of my head "Jesus Christ I'm tired now" i say he laughs "we'll be going to bed when we get out since it's passed 10 pm, then I'll let you sleep in as long as you want for being good today" Todd says "your like the adult out of the two of us" i say back "i just know you like to be babied after sex" Todd says "shut up" i say back burying my face into his neck he laughs. 10 minutes pass and we finish getting dressed and i crawl into bed under the covers. He sets his alarms then gets in bed under the covers behind me "aw my sleepy princess" Todd says before kissing the side of my head. He wraps his arms around me keeping me close "i love you" Todd says "i love you to" i say back. After a few minutes we fall asleep. I wake up and didn't feel Todd opening my eyes to see it was passed 3 pm on the alarm clock. I sit up trying to get awake and the room was quiet then i notice a note on the bedside table. I knew it wasn't Todd's hand writing but knew it was Ethan's and read it. I feel tears swell in my eyes since it said he didn't want me near Todd because i was apparently forcing Todd to do drugs. I grab my phone and call Todd's number listening to it ring before it goes to voicemail. I lay down putting my head on Todd's pillow putting my knees to my chest letting tears fall down my face. An hour passes and i was still laying in bed not having the energy to get up still crying a bit. I hear the door quickly open and close and see Todd "princess!" Todd says quickly getting in bed. He pulls me on top of him holding me tight "it's ok, I'm here" Todd says resting my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head as someone bangs on the door "fuck off Ethan!" Todd yells "Todd!" Ethan yells. He rolls onto his side keeping me close to him and i hold onto him "it's ok princess, no one's taking me from you again" Todd says before kissing my forehead. An hour passes and i was in the bath while Todd was standing at the sink shaving his face. I laugh quietly being able to swim around from how big and deep the tub was "having fun there princess" Todd says laughing a bit "very much yes" i say back smiling "your so cute" Todd says smiling i laugh softly. After a few minutes he finishes and gets undressed before getting in sitting cross legged. I swim to him and wrap my arms around him as he holds onto me "hello there" Todd says smiling "why hello to you to" i say back smiling we laugh. He kisses the top of my head "you should so play with my boobs since I'm nude" i say "now your speaking my language" Todd says smiling i laugh as he cups my boobs in his hands. Half an hour passes and Todd lays me on the bed before covering me up "your being very caring today" i say "because i want you relaxed today, especially since Ethan has you stressed out, and you agreed once a week i can baby you" Todd says "damn it forgot i agreed to that" i say back he laughs. He gets it bed behind me and wraps his arms around me keeping ahold of me "i love you princess" Todd says "i love you to love" i say back as he kisses my shoulder. An hour passes and we were on are way to his moms place since Ethan wouldn't stop blowing up are phones. After a few minutes we see the house is the distance and see Ethan and was looked like their dad talking to him on the porch. I felt the energy in the car get tense "what the fuck" Todd says "ain't he supposed to be dead" i say back "yeah, why the fuck is he here" Todd says "he may of faked his death" i say back "probably" Todd says parking. We get out and i stay a bit behind him as we step onto the porch "Jane why are you here" Ethan says "i go with my husband fuck you" i say back. Todd follows his dad inside and Finn quickly runs out of the house. Ethan grabs Finn before he could get to me and i could tell he had been crying "let go of him" i say in a serious tone as Finn try's to get lose. He gets lose and quickly hugs me and i keep ahold of him "Finn i told you to stay away from her!" Ethan yells as Finn buries his face into my chest "go to your reading spot in the barn, i have this you don't need to be here for this" i whisper to Finn and he nods before heading to the barn. I turn my attention to Ethan "the fuck is your deal with me!" i say "my deal with you is that your forcing my brother to turn into something he's not!" Ethan yells "not once have i forced Todd into something, what he dose is his choice!" i yell back.

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