Chapter 64

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She flips me off so i do the same as she gets in her car "burn in hell you fucking witch!" i yell as she drives off. I close the window and go back to Indigo "i know she's a big bitch" i say picking her up "how about a bottle my girl" i say leaving the room going downstairs to the kitchen. After a few minutes i get a bottle mixed up and sit on the recliner "here you go" i say putting it in her mouth. After a few minutes she finishes and the door unlocks opening to reveal mom and dad "there's my girls" mom says smiling coming up to us. She kisses the top of my head then Indies "so why was there a yelling match between you and Jennifer, we saw it over the ring camera" dad says "started because she wasn't happy Indigo didn't go with Todd, and that she wasn't allowed to be at the gender reveal for Salem, and because Todd hasn't got any sons yet" i say back holding Indie to my chest so she could start to fall asleep "Jesus Christ" dad says "screw sons their not fun" mom says going to the kitchen "i feel like that was an insult to my mother!" dad says "kinda was, she had a methed out daughter, whatever the hell your brother is, then you who's a pain" mom says "i am not a pain!" dad says "wanna bet, Jane is your dad a pain" mom says "very" i say back "see" mom says and he looks at her with an unimpressed look i fight laughing. After a few minutes i fix how i was sitting and lay on my back with my head against one armrest and my legs over the other. I had a blanket over me then Indie on my chest who was asleep "sleep doesn't sound bad" i think since i was kinda tired from the flight here. I start to drift off to sleep "here I'll take her while you sleep" dad says carefully picking her up and i hum in response falling asleep.
                                  Mom's pov
Wayne comes into the kitchen holding Indigo "Jane's taking a nap so i get all the baby attention" Wayne says smiling i smile rolling my eyes "I'm telling you now, Jennifer ever does that again I'm calling the cops, she doesn't need showing up here and stressing Jane out" i say back "totally, so we'll have Indigo and Salem as grandkids" Wayne says "i like the names they've picked so far, and Jane let it slip today when i was on the phone with her, when the baby that's her and Todd is in the making they want to name it Nova" i say back "finally she names something after a car" Wayne says "seriously" i say back unimpressed "yep" Wayne says smiling i smile rolling my eyes. We hear something moving "what's that" i say as he tries to find where the noise was coming from. We spot one of Jane's bags that was propped up against the wall and Georgia comes out of it "oh hey Georgia, didn't know you came to" i say as she looks around "mom and dad don't like to leave me home" Georgia says coming up to me "you seem, bigger" i say as she stands in front of me "my chip got updated, and mom made my body to be about a 10-12 year old" Georgia says "wondered what your mom has been up to with you, i saw she was working on something to do with you, excited for the new baby soon" i say back she nods "where's your drinks" Georgia says and i get a confused look on my face "your not waterproof" Wayne says kinda confused "my new body is waterproof, but the inside is double waterproof, so i can drink stuff, then all the liquid becomes battery energy meaning i don't need on my charger so much" Georgia says "my god Jane is smart" i say surprised "uh, in the fridge" Wayne says and she goes to the fridge "she's amazing, i never thought a bot could be this amazing" i whisper "literally" Wayne whispers.
End of pov
I wake up and see Georgia sitting on the couch watching tv drinking out of a cup "where's your sister" i say sitting up trying to get awake "uh, i think napping in your room, gram took her somewhere" Georgia says "ok" i say back. I hear a knock on the front door and look thru the window to see Jennifer. I hit the window getting her attention and flip her off with both of my hands mouthing fuck you. Which pissed her off making her come to the window "seriously" Georgia says "yep" i say back looking away from the window as Jennifer starts to yell "dad says to leave her be" Georgia says "how do you know" i say back. She holds up my phone which had a message from Todd on the screen "oh" i say "yeah" Georgia says "and i really need a nickname for you" i say back "why" Georgia says putting her cup on the coffee table "don't know" i say back shrugging my shoulders "what about peach" i say "why that" Georgia says confused "because the state of Georgia is known for peaches i believe" i say back "yeah, nein (no)" Georgia says "you suck" i say back she smiles rolling her eyes. An hour passes and i was in my bedroom with Indigo which the door opens to reveal Todd "there's my girls" Todd says smiling coming up to us "I'm about to kill your mom" i say back and he sits beside me on the bed "lets not do that, and is Georgia good, she's down in the kitchen with your mom literally living at the sink filling a cup over and over drinking it" Todd says "she's really liking the new inner stuff i did for her, she's been off her charger for hours now" i say back "Jesus, at least she's having fun" Todd says picking up Indie out of my arms "Charlie gave me an update of the house, which it looks like shit right now but it's a start" i say back "will we ever sleep in the same room" Todd says "maybe, see if you quit pissing me off every week and feeding me vegetables" i say back and he gives me an unimpressed look. An hour passes and i was sitting on the front porch with mom while Indigo sat on my lap and Georgia ran around the yard playing. We see one of the older neighbors is the town walking up the walkway "hey Mrs Brown" mom says smiling "hello dear, i see the celebrity is back in town" she says smiling i laugh quietly. She comes onto the porch and sits down on the top step "when was this little one born" she says seeing Indigo "back in February, me and my husband are having to use a surrogate since I'm unable to have kids, but this is little Indigo, then we'll be welcoming are second which is another girl in august named Salem" i say back sitting beside her so she could see Indie "oh ain't you cute" she says smiling picking Indie up and holding her "so how many of these are you and your husband planning for" she says "at least 4" i say back "oh my i didn't even see her in the yard playing, who's that" she says seeing Georgia "that's Georgia, she's a bot i made" i say back "your going to make me start thinking everyone is a bot dear, she's very realistic looking" she says we laugh. 2 hours pass and Indigo was asleep for the night and i go downstairs to see Georgia passed out on the couch "wow played yourself to sleep i see" i say laughing a bit going up to her. I pick her up and go to her charger putting her on it "night night" i say before kissing the top of her head. I go to the kitchen and grab a drink "going to bed already" mom says "have to sleep when Indie sleeps, but it is passed 10 pm I'm usually going to bed at this time" i say back "alright then, night" mom says "good night" i say back leaving the room. I go upstairs to my room and get in bed under the covers getting comfortable "missed this bed" i think. After a few minutes i fall asleep. I wake up to Indigo fussing and open my eyes "shh" i whisper putting my hand in her bassinet stroking her cheek with my finger which got her to stop. After a few seconds we fall back asleep. I wake up to see it was 3 pm on the alarm clock and see that Indigo wasn't with me meaning mom most likely took her. I roll onto my back trying to get awake "weird to wake up without Todd" i think picking up my phone to check stuff. A call from Vic pops up and i answer it as it goes to face time "wow your just getting up" Vic says "yep, my parents most likely mom has Indie" i say back "holy shit and Todd ain't with you" Vic says "yeah, it's nice" i say back she laughs. After a few minutes the call ends and i go downstairs to seeing mom in the kitchen making something. While Indigo was in a chest carrier i believe it's called on mom then notice Georgia wasn't on her charger "morning honey" mom says smiling "morning, where's the other kid" i say back "outside with your dad working on stuff, which he ain't happy with me because me and Georgia out smarted him on stuff this morning" mom says i laugh "I'm not surprised" i say back grabbing a drink out of the fridge "so what's your plans for today" mom says "planned on seeing if Todd wanted to take Indie to the mall with me since she's growing out of her clothes, which we keep all the clothes she grows out of to use on Salem just so it doesn't go to waste" i say back "that sounds fun" mom says and i pick up Indie out of the carrier. An hour passes and i head into the mall pushing Indie in her stroller "you ready to see dada sweetie" i say smiling but she was busy chewing on her toy. I spot Todd sitting on a bench which he quickly sees us getting up and coming up to us. He kisses me before pulling away "wow miss me" i say laughing a bit "very, how's are little girl" Todd says smiling turning his attention to her "good, liking her toy" i say back "aw, and how's are second little girl, haven't talked to Vic yet today to find out" Todd says following beside me "very good, i talked to her this morning" i say back "glad to hear" Todd says "how's your moms shit shows" i say back "eh, speaking of her, she wants you two to come by because she got stuff for Indigo" Todd says "holy shit I'm invited" i say back acting surprised he gives me an unimpressed look trying not to smile "yes, because she knows the only way she gets to see the baby is if you come to" Todd says "good, finally that bitch learns" i say back "behave" Todd says "no" i say back. We go in a baby store "so what does are indie need" Todd says smiling "no idea" i say back "lets play a game of whatever she looks at she gets" Todd says "we'll walk out of here with half the damn store then dude" i say back he laughs. After a few minutes we leave the store and he keeps hold of the bags "just wait till there's 2 girls wanting stuff, your wallet will be dead" i say "not like it's actually your money that's being spent" Todd says i laugh "yeah forgot, guess i am the millionaire here" i say back smiling he smiles rolling his eyes.

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