Chapter 66

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A week passes and i was in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea and Todd walks past me "still salty that i ate Vic out on your mom's bed love" i say trying not to smile. He squints his eyes at me "love you to" i say before taking another sip from my drink "jerk" Todd says under his breath "heard that" i say back "good" Todd says and i finish my drink putting the cup in the sink. He quickly grabs me from behind picking me up "payback" Todd says going upstairs "aw did the baby finally get over himself" i say back teasing him as he goes up the stairs "keep it up princess, you really think it's safe to be walking around in shorts and a sports bra since no one's here but us" Todd says going in my room. An hour passes and he sits against the headboard slightly as we work on catching are breath "fuck you" i say out of breath he laughs "fuck you to princess" Todd says smiling before kissing my forehead i try not to laugh. He kisses me before pulling away "wanna do something for me when we're done" Todd says "what would it be" i say back "putting pink and purple streaks in my hair since the green finally faded" Todd says "uh yeah I'll do it" i say back "good girl" Todd says "ahh!" i say back as my face gets hot and he kisses my forehead. A few minutes pass and i got everything set up and ready in the bathroom "think Indigo is having fun with your mom" Todd says sitting on a chair at the counter "most likely, she knows she'll be spoiled" i say back "yeah got a point" Todd says. I start putting the dyes in different spots on his hair "you feeling ok princess, you seem a little off today" Todd says looking at me in the mirror "yeah, just a little under the weather for some reason today" i say back "is there anything i can do to help" Todd says "no, it's just something that needs to get out of my system" i say back. The door quickly opens making us jump "guess what!" Georgia says "Jesus Christ kid" i say back "what" Todd says curious "i know what i need!" Georgia says "go on" i say back "i need a green bike!" Georgia says "we can get you that, but may i ask why, and why does it need to be green" i say back "i saw a thing on tv of a green one and knew i needed it" Georgia says "alright" i say back "and i need a lawnmower!" Georgia says heading back down the hall. It clicks in my head what she said "did she just say she needs a lawnmower" Todd says trying not to laugh "does the damn kid even know what a lawnmower is" i say back "probably not" Todd says laughing a bit "Jesus Christ she took your weirdness" i say back "not wrong" Todd says. After a few minutes i finish and clean up everything "will need you back in here in 30 minutes" i say "yes ma'am" Todd says i laugh quietly as we leave the room going downstairs. We see Georgia sitting upside down on the couch watching tv "how can you tell what's going on weirdo" i say "talent" Georgia says focused on the tv "alright" i say back going to the kitchen which he follows. I start to warm up more water and he stands behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "i can't wait for are baby that's me and you, maybe even babies" Todd says "us mixed i wouldn't mind having twins of" i say back "see knew you wanted a set of twins at some point" Todd says smiling teasing me i smile rolling my eyes. We hear knocking on the front door "kill me" i say going to it with him still following me then i open it to reveal Jennifer "yes" i say not in the mood "i came to see my grandchild" she says "well she's with my mom so fuck off" i say back closing the door. She stops it "and i came to make peace with you" she says "yeah whatever, i don't have the time to deal with you" i say back hearing the microwave beep letting me know it was done. I go to it letting Todd and her alone and take the cup out of it "hm, feeling hot chocolate this time" i think finding it in the cupboard. I put one of the packets in the water before stirring it making sure it was fully mixed then hear footsteps. Georgia runs into the room quickly grabbing me "scary witch on the porch!" Georgia says trying to use me to hide i fight braking up laughing "it's ok I'm here" i say back laughing a bit holding her to me. Half an hour passes and i was rinsing Todd's hair "ahhh!" Todd says "dramatic!" i say back getting water in his face on purpose since i had him leaning over and bathtub "jerk!" Todd says "oh hush!" i say back putting shampoo in his hair. I start to massage it thru his hair which he half fights me "god damn dude fucking behave for 5 seconds and I'll let you eat me out if that's what it'll take!" i say and he stops fighting me letting me do what i need to do finally. After a few minutes i finish and dry his hair with a towel "your problem now" i say tossing the towel over his head before leaving the room. An hour passes and i wake up from a nap on the recliner opening my eyes to see mom holding Indigo looking at me "what were you in a coma or something" mom says "maybe" i say back picking up Indigo laying her on my chest "ok and is she also in some kind of coma" mom says looking at the couch seeing Georgia asleep "her most likely" i say back "Jesus people i can't leave you things alone for long" mom says leaving the room i laugh. Todd comes into the room "aw there is are little creature" Todd says smiling coming up to me before kissing the top of Indigo's head. He kisses me before pulling away "what you doing later" Todd says "nothing, why" i say back "me and Vic have a plan for you" Todd says "what is it" i say back "you'll see" Todd says "god damn it what did those two come up with" i think. An hour passes and Todd and Vic take me into my room "take your shorts and panties off" Vic says and i do as told. I toss them aside "come here princess" Todd says smiling picking me up. He flips me upside down having my legs be over his shoulders "well this is fucking weird" i say and he lays me on my bed just enough that i wouldn't have to much blood go to my head. Vic gets on the bed "can tell someone is getting excited with her husbands face this close to her clit" Todd says "tell me what you people are up to" i say back. He looks at her then back at me "what was that look" i say "this" Todd says as she quickly covers my mouth with one hand and pins my hands with her other one. I moan feeling his tongue go to my clit pretty much claiming me as his especially his tongue taking control of my clit. I feel her tie my hands together which she keeps ahold of the material she used so i still couldn't move my hands for any reason. She leans down to my ear "you better behave or we'll have to punish you baby" Vic whispers smiling as he picks up his pace which drove my body insane. Half an hour passes and he carefully lets my legs down "might be a new favorite position, gives you zero control of yourself" Todd says smiling catching his breath a bit she laughs quietly "you people are still assholes" i say back catching my breath and she unties my hands "get used to it princess, you are stuck with us for the rest of eternity" Todd says "yup" Vic says before kissing my forehead. I kiss her before pulling away then we pull him down on top of me and i kiss him then pull away. He kisses her before pulling away "alright let me up I'm going to go make food" i say  they laugh "that's your first thought after sex, really" Todd says getting his laughter under control "yeah" i say back "she's special you know this" Vic says laughing a bit and he helps me up "love you guys but food is important" i say putting my panties and shorts back on "your clit is still very wet princess you might want to get in the shower first, since there's a mix of your cum and my saliva there right now" Todd says "good point" i say back "watch England shower time!" Vic says smiling quickly leaving the room i laugh following her as he follows as well. After a few minutes i get in the shower "this is better" Vic says flipping the shower curtain up onto the rode leaving just the clear one on the inside where it was. I give her a are you serious look as she sits back on the counter with him "it makes a better view" Vic says "definitely does" Todd says trying not to laugh "you people are a pain in my ass!" i say they laugh "that's why you love us!" Todd and Vic say i flip them off. After 5 minutes i get dressed and we go downstairs "Jesus when did the whole clang get here" mom says who was sitting on the couch with Indigo "like over an hour ago" i say back slightly confused "i watched your daughter shower" Vic says "yeah that doesn't sound creepy" i say back laughing a bit he laughs "probably the most normal thing you do Vic" mom says trying not to laugh "probably" Vic says "sounds about right if you think about" i say "doesn't she also watch us sleep from time to time" Todd says "shit yeah she does, how did i forget about that" i say back "oh everyone does that" Vic says "i always did it to you, mostly because you would like to breath like your father, aka take a long time to inhale after every exhale" mom says "shocker was i normal with anything" i say back "nope" mom says "Jesus" i say back "are kids are fucked" Todd says "no shit" i say back Vic laughs "they were already going to be fucked, they have a fucking American parent" Vic says laughing a bit "fuck you!" Todd says i laugh "wow Indigo will be the only one besides the baby that will be me and Vic who doesn't have an American parent" i say "wasn't Luna American" mom says "a lot of her ancestors were from Switzerland and Austria" i say back "you never really hear a lot about those places" mom says "yup, and she even had some from Greenland" i say back "forgot that place was a thing" mom says and i give her an unimpressed look "don't even say it" mom says "wow you are getting old" i say back "zip it" mom says i laugh "do you people never argue!" Todd and Vic say "no" i say back "maybe once every 5 or so years" mom says "mother last time you argued with me i was 2 years old and did not want to put clothes on so you had to let me run around the house in a diaper, till dad got home from work and i let him dress me which you argued with a damn toddler over playing favorites with a parent" i say back "that was different you were a jerk of a child!" mom says "ain't my fault the clothes you would put me in were weird" i say back "alright go away, go do something!" mom says "na" i say back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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