chapter 2

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" hey, so whatever happened between you and my dad? " I asked anthony as we sat in silence in his office

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" hey, so whatever happened between you and my dad? " I asked anthony as we sat in silence in his office.

" he didn't want to deal with me, claimed i was a bastard child but it was never about me. it was about her unloyalty. " he said nonchalantly.

" so he made you leave? " i asked furrowing my eyebrows a little.

" no mom sent me to live with my dad. see your dad would do things like disclude me, give me dirty looks or what not which you know isn't nice for a kid to experience and i had felt like a burden and not to mention uncomfortable so I asked her- no begged her to let me stay with him. " he said and i nodded not knowing how to reply.

Why take that out on a kid? What possesses you to treat a kid so wrong..

" but what about you? what happened between you and your dad? and why is your neck red? " he questioned and left his side of the desk to come sit by me.

" I mean his behavior hasn't changed apparently. " I said and next thing you know there were gunshots.

" GET DOWN! " anthony yelled pulling me down and shielding me.

I quickly felt around for my gun on my body and the shit was in my car.. damn.

I stood up about to run to the corner when the sound of glass broke followed by a thud which made me look at the window and duck again.

" Anthony you- " I started as I turned back around and he was there bleeding out.

" Anthony. " I said quickly going up to him.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion and the gunshots kept going.

I began to pull him when i felt a sting on my arm, but that didn't stop me.

These bastards shot me- whoever they are.

" anthony, don't close your eyes " i said frantically

" MOMMY! " i heard a tiny voice yell.


" MOMMY!! " i heard again and looked up to see serenity with blood all over her.

" SERENITY " i yelled running towards her and all of a sudden i was back in my bed.

I put my hand on my chest and looked around to see serenity standing beside the bed with a cookie in her hand.

I understand how random that may sound, but it's true and i already knew who gave it to her.

" come on baby " i said pulling her up and sitting her beside me.

That dream reminded me of a conversation me and anthony had.. which makes me wonder is he real?

There's only one way to find out.

Maybe if i go talk to them..

But then again it's a huge debate..

" HONEY I'M HOMEEEE! " i heard stephanie yell followed by my door opening a few seconds later.

" hey you know you're supposed to knock, i could've been naked. " I said and she side eyed me before shrugging her shoulders.

" Okay so do you think you'd be willing to do me a favor? " i asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down.

" depends.. " she trailed off.

" i could do it myself but i don't have all the resources i need- anyway do you think your friend kuma can find someone for me? " I asked referring to the friend who she had an on and off fling with.

" I don't talk to kuma BUT it's been a while and you're my sister, so why not? " she said pulling her phone out.

" Thank you! His name is Anthony, has to be the son of Ella Raines but she may go by a different name. He can just go through the Raines family to find information. " I said and she put her phone down before looking up at me with a sigh.

" please don't. i just want to see if he's real. " i said not wanting to be lectured on how i should leave it alone.

But i find it funny how they keep telling me to leave it alone, like shouldn't i be processing?

But then again it's been over two months.

" okay i get it, i'll get kuma on it. " she said and i nodded taking in the silence- okay well it wasn't exactly silent because serenity was smacking.

" and if you do find him, what's the plan? " she asked and i shrugged my shoulders, because knowing me I won't approach him.

" you know what? why am I acting so scared. They all know and knew I existed so there's no point for me to keep looking for THEM if the energy wasn't reciprocated. " I said coming to realization.

I'm just a girl.

A 17 year old girl at that.

I'm just more mature and more- yeah i thought i was an adult already but basically i am mentally.

" you couldn't have come to this conclusion a long time ago? " she asked sarcastically.

" i was biased. " i said and sighed looking at serenity.

" is Diana downstairs? " I asked.

" yes, she was roaming the refrigerator. " she said and i nodded not surprised, a lot of times it seems like that's why she comes over.

" I see I'll have to restock. " i said laughing and began putting my hair in a messy bun.

" so what made you want to search him up after all this time? i figured you had already done that.. " she trailed off.

" I wasn't thinking but i just had a dream that we were in a shootout- well we were talking about joseph first before it happened and then he got shot. I did too but it's not about me. " I said casually.

" maybe it's a sign? " she said jokingly but i took it serious because well it could be.

Everything happens for a reason right?

" maybe " i said and her phone beeped.

" okay, he said give him 24 hours. " she said and i nodded hoping the pieces would just connect.

Oh kuma stands for kai umil malden andrews, and before you ask what kind of name that is- It's what his parents named him- he has both parents' last names.

I need to take my mind off of this, maybe i should go to a park or something!

But then again this situation would only leave my mind temporarily for a few minutes before it engulfs me again.

I'm so confused- god help me.


a/n :

literally a month and a week later , sorry i ain't know it's been this long and i had writers block.

I forgot janessa mama name yall, i gave up tryna find it.

Imma make another sibling book but we gone make it more REALISTIC.

I don't be having ideas for the chapter names so imma just put chapter numbers & y'all can read as y'all go.



imma make a ig acc just in case y'all wanna follow ittt, dm me or anything - or is that too much?

started 11.21
ended 11.21

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