Let's Get Married

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I do not own Trolls or Trolls World Tour or Trolls Band Together or any of the characters in the franchise or the songs! And I especially don't own any of the songs I use from the movie or any other song I pick out in general! I also don't own the characters of Trollstopia! The only thing I do own are my O.C.s Melody Song, McJagger, Buckaroo, Stereo, and Twilight Tidepool; I.M. Rally owns her O.C. Aggie Galido, and Cheah owns his O.C. Finn Okazaki Tidepool. Now, strap in, ladies and gentlemen, and let's get on with the show!

Fast forward 20 years later, that same song that brought down the drama and chaos that ended up with Brozone's disbandment was being played on a record inside the same pod. Who was listening to it, you may ask?

On a record player, the red-and-yellow centered record, labeled "Perfect by BroZone" was spinning and playing the song while Branch, who was now a lot older than his baby days, listened and forlornly looked at the album cover that the record came from. The image of seeing him and his brothers together brought back bad memories of that fateful night.

At the moment, the male Pop Troll was dressed in a white dress T-shirt and a sparkly fancy leaf vest over it, and matching green sparkly shorts; he was dressed for something special, which was ironic considering he wasn't feeling as good as he looked.

Behind him, the pod door opened and a familiar face entered the pod: Queen Poppy, who was wearing a green-and-pink with blue lacing dress that had a cotton candy cloud-like long skirt that trailed in the back, a teal-green-and-teal-blue woven cloth headband with colorful pompoms that stuck out from the top, and her ponytail had different colored highlights.

Poppy noticed Branch's saddened stance, and concern prompted her to clear her throat and ask Branch immediately, "Branch"?

The sound of Poppy's voice broke Branch's trance, making him turn around and see his girlfriend standing there. Quickly trying to act casual, he stopped the record playing and forced a smile, saying, "Oh, hey."

Poppy, however, could read through the facade and asked him, a little bit worried, while she approached him, "Are you alright? You're smiling and crying at the same time; it kinda looks like it's hurting your face."

Branch could feel his cheeks becoming sore form putting up a tough front, admitting honestly, "It DOES hurt my face."

He dropped the smile and quickly answered, forming an excuse from the top of his head, "I guess I'm just missing my, uh...grandma."

He then turned around and took the record off the record player, and placed it into its placeholder while saying to Poppy, "I was just listening to some of her old records."

The sigh of the album cover of the record he was listening to caught Poppy's attention, and when she saw that it was a BroZone record, her eyes lit up in wonder, and she smiled giddily, saying while grabbing the album and looking at it, "BroZone?! No way; I love BroZone"!

Hearing this surprised Branch; his girlfriend loved the music of the band he used to be in? That was...shocking but also very exciting too; if she liked BroZone, then she must love hearing him singing! He smiled, asking with wonder, "Really"?

But realizing that his curious wonder of this fact could end up accidentally revealing his boyband's past, he resumed his standard tough front, saying casually, "I mean, really"?

Luckily for him, Poppy didn't seem to question it as she said while giving the album back to him, "I didn't know you liked them too."

"I don't," Branch quickly defended, trying to cover up any chance of his boyband oast from coming up in discussion, as he lied his sorry butt off, saying, "I'm actually "hate-listening"; it's a new thing. My grandma had very questionable tatses. I mean, just look at how she decorated this place," and reference to the entire room, adding in, "I'm sorry, but there are just some things that shouldn't be macramated."

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