Part 6

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Another week had come and gone and we'd scored some more points in our favor. This season was good, I could feel it in my bones. Even with the injured players and all the relationship dramas, it still felt great out on the pitch every single time. We'd really found our rhythm and were on a winning streak so it was only natural to want to celebrate it.

A lot of the time we went out with just a smaller group of girls who were really close off the pitch too. The whole team felt like a family but naturally there were some people you just vibed with more. But after tonight's game, we'd extended the invite to everyone on the team. Including the staff.

I had no clue if Nora would be coming but the anticipation was enough for nerves to settle into the pit of my stomach. We were currently all getting ready and pregaming at Beth and Viv's place, having chosen this place because of their new adorable puppy who we were taking turns cuddling.

The lil girl was simply too cute and clearly enjoying all the attention. I was standing to the side, watching with amusement as a photoshoot unfolded with Leah and Myle, when Viv came to stand next to me.

We watched in silence for a few beats before she looked at me quizzically and placed her drink down on the kitchen island behind us. "Okay, what's going on with you?"

I dragged on the pause by taking a sip of my drink and peeked at Viv's face from the corner of my eye. She was always so darn good at reading people and situations, just usually not one to get involved. But we were really good friends and the question came more from genuine concern than just simple curiosity.

"You will kill me if I tell you," I smirked in response. I hadn't told anyone about what went down at the festival. All the girls knew was that I saw Caitlin and Lia kiss and bolted. They think I was just off somewhere, getting fresh air or whatever. But in all honesty, I had been itching to talk to someone about it all and Viv was good at keeping secrets.

Which is probably why I nodded over to the empty dining table, a little bit away from the group of girls huddled around the pup.

"I'll try and keep my murderous tendencies under wraps. Spill," Viv smiled, sitting down next to me and bringing one foot up on the edge of her seat, resting her elbow on her knee. 

"Full confidentiality please," I said with awkward laughter, watching as Viv's eyebrows shot up. It wasn't often that I was this secretive about stuff but seeing how we all worked together with Nora, I thought it best to keep it under wraps. 

Vivianne looked over her shoulder towards Beth for a second and then nodded. "Promise."

"Okay so.. It's about Nora," I started, didn't really know where to begin with explaining this. Viv was already smirking as if she wasn't at all surprised and the look on her face caught me off guard for a second. But she motioned for me to continue and so I let that go. For now.

"Remember the festival and the situation with Cait and everything? Well.. I actually bumped into Nora there." She was definitely surprised now, both eyebrows moving up. Still no comment though, she was just letting me continue.

"I obviously didn't know who she was and she didn't tell me that she'd applied to work here cause well.. We might have done other stuff besides talking," I finally said, biting my lip and looking anywhere but Viv's shocked face.

Her mouth dropped open and she grabbed my arm that was on the table, shaking it a few times. "No way!" she said a bit too loud and we both looked over to the girls for a moment who were too busy laughing at something cute Myle had done.

"No way," Viv repeated in a quieter tone and I just nodded, staring down at my hands.

"It just happened. She spilled her drink or I guess I spilled it for her when I bumped into her and then she kind of saw what was happening with Cait and we ended up getting out of there together. And I think it was her brother that was in the band..?" The details were honestly a bit hazy.

"And so we went to this room backstage and I was upset so she offered me a drink and then we had a few more and well.. You've seen her, she's hot. And I was hurt and just wanted to forget and yeah. It happened," I rambled quickly, not wanting to leave any pause for anymore of Viv's animated reactions.

"And then I kinda sobered up real quick and we had to get out of there anyway so I just dipped. And then came and found you guys and said that I'd just been walking around to calm down," I finished the little story, feeling my cheeks flush.

"Wait so," Viv raised her hand and was quiet for a few seconds while she was thinking. "When you reappeared, you had just had sex minutes ago? Damn, McCabe," she started laughing then.

I shot another look at the group now and slapped Vivianne on the arm a few times. "Be. Quiet!" 

Luckily no one was really paying us any special attention. They had noticed that we'd stepped away to talk, but there was nothing unusual about that.

Viv was still laughing and shaking her head though which was enough for Beth to walk over, putting her hands on her girlfriends shoulders and turning to look at me. "I want in on the joke, what's going on?" 

"She's just bullying me, the usual stuff," I shook my head smiling, hoping that my flushed cheeks had calmed down a bit. Beth seemed to believe me and just patted her girlfriend on the back in appreciation. 

"Good going, keep it up!" she laughed. Mead opened her mouth to say something else but Leah calling her over interrupted her train of thought. Apparently Myle had a tiny accident on the floor and the girls were looking for paper towels.

"Get a puppy, it'll be fun," Beth sighed in a mocking tone, but you could absolutely tell she was in love with the little girl and not one bit mad. She gave Viv a kiss on the cheek and headed towards the kitchen to deal with that.

The dutch woman had finally calmed down, the smile on her face still very amused though. "And now what? You two still.. you know?" 

I furrowed my brows for a second. Why would she even assume that? Once was already bad enough. Or well.. it was really good actually. Like.. great. But not the point, it shouldn't have happened.

"No, of course not! She's our team physio, I can't!" I shook my head vigorously. 

Vivianne just shrugged and leaned back in her seat. "Yeah and Beth is my teammate, Caitlin is yours, Rue is on the Irish team.. Need I go on?"

I looked at her pointedly but her relaxed expression didn't falter. "It's different," I remained set on my opinion.

"You notice how you didn't say that nothing is happening because you still have feelings for Caitlin? Or because you just ended a seven-year relationship not so long ago and want some time to yourself and to be single?" Viv smirked knowingly.

"Hey you two, want another?" Beth called from the kitchen then, busy mixing up some new cocktails.

"I'll come help," Viv offered and left me there to ponder over her questions. It was definitely a lot to think about.

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