Part 21

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I would've paid good money for a glimpse into her head right now. Reading what Nora was thinking just from what was reflected in her eyes wasn't an easy task and I couldn't tell if I saw what I wanted to see or if she actually seemed.. different. And then there was the fact that she hadn't let go of my hand yet as we walked back to the table.

"Are we getting politely kicked out?" Viv wondered, looking around the room. The band had given in to our wishes and done one more slow song, which was much appreciated since it meant I could hold Nora for a few more minutes. But now they were packing up and some random background tune played from the speakers.

Most people were gathering their things up, some having a final glass of something they'd snatched from one of the trays and the bulk of people were moving towards the door.

"Af-ter-par-ty, af-ter-par-ty," Beth chanted, Leah bopping her head along to the rhythm her words created. Those two were definitely still in a party spirit but I was really hoping Nora wasn't and we could just.. slip out.

"You need sleep and water," Vivianne laughed, putting her arm around Beth's shoulders and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

Just then I felt Nora's hand slip out from mine and I turned to look, realizing quickly the detail I'd forgotten about. Her brother.

He was stood next to Nora as she adjusted her tie. The more I observed them, the more I could see a sibling bond that I had completely missed earlier. They definitely seemed close but all touches had that certain familiarity and they did not let up with the typical sibling banter either.

"Ladies," he nodded in the general direction of the group, although most had started to put their things together and didn't notice, and then gently pushed Nora's hands away. "Will you stop fussing with it, you perfectionist," he rolled his eyes.

Nora just scoffed but lowered her hands anyway, her fingers brushing mine from the proximity. I wasn't sure if taking her hand again would've caused a negative reaction so I didn't dare to move for a few moments.

"Alright Ellie, you ready to head home?" he asked, offering his arm like a gentleman. The nickname made me smirk. I knew that Nora's full name was Eleanora and the fact that their parents nicknamed their twin kids Ellie and Ollie was pretty funny. 

Nora looked at Oliver hesitantly and then at me and this time I was pretty certain I could read her thoughts from her eyes. At least I really hoped I did. I laced my fingers with hers, searching her face for any reaction. Once a soft smile appeared, I turned my attention to Oliver instead.

"She's actually coming with me," I said with as much confidence as I could muster while feeling absolutely not certain about any of this. I mean, I obviously very much wanted her to come home with me, but I had no clue if me just deciding it for the both of us would go over well.

But Nora just smiled and Oliver smirked, looking at me and then his sister. "Well finally," he said with a roll of his eyes and leaned in to give Nora a kiss on the forehead. "I'll probably head back home pretty early tomorrow, but I'm back in the city in a week, we'll have dinner then."

Nora seemed to be at a loss of words from this whole situation so she just nodded before clearing her throat to offer an actual 'see you soon' to her twin.

And then he left and Nora stayed and I felt like I could finally exhale. And when she turned to me with a smile and asked if we should head out, I almost grabbed her and ran before she could change her mind.

"Yeah, let's go," I said instead, forcing myself to be calm and waved bye to the girls who looked about as surprised as I felt. 


I let us into my apartment, nudging my cat a bit once he came snooping around the entrance, trying to slip past me. He eventually gave up and went back to the living room, where he'd probably been snuggled up all night. It was late after all. Or early by some standards.

Nora took her coat off and looked around for a second, her eyes not really stopping on anything until they reached mine. All of the nerves had hit me on the way over and she seemed to share the feeling that this was different from the other nights we'd spent together.

"So.." I tentatively said once I'd hung both of our coats off and we'd taken the uncomfortable heels off, our height difference resuming to normal.

"So.." Nora mirrored me, a shy smile on her lips. This was so different from the woman who bossed us all around during training, scolding us loudly whenever we did something that would cause strain on our bodies.

"You're here," I said, stating a fact that still hadn't hit me. I took a small step closer, not really sure what I should do here.

"I am," she nodded, that smile widening a little. 

I took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder, towards the kitchen. "Uh, can I offer you anything? Some water maybe? Or are you hungry-" I rambled, feeling the nerves hitting me hard.

Nora effectively cut me off by stepping closer and placing her hand on my cheek. It was cold from us being outside and sent shivers down my spine. "Katie.." she said softly, my name sounding like a prayer from her lips.

I didn't need to be told twice. I leaned in and captured her lips with mine, loving the way her body instantly melted into mine.

Our arms found their places around each other's bodies and the kiss deepened. And I could bet money that this time it wasn't all in my head or just something I hoped was happening. This was different. It felt new and exciting and my head was spinning from all these emotions.

I pulled away slightly, enjoying the way Nora's lips refused to leave mine and how her eyes opened in protest, eyebrows furrowing on her forehead. 

"Please don't leave this time," I said quietly. Begging wasn't the sexiest thing but I couldn't bare waking up to an empty bed like I had last time we were here.

The crease between her eyebrows softened and she placed another soft kiss on my lips.

"I won't. I promise."

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