Part 13

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It was different today. Felt different. And I was constantly hoping it wasn't just all in my head. Of course we had to act professional at work. That came easily for me, football had always come first and even though my eyes found Nora's more than was necessary, my focus was still on trainings of the day.

At least until all of our focus was interrupted by this random man showing up at the edge of the field. Which in itself wouldn't have been remarkable enough. But it was the massive bouquet of roses he was holding that did the trick. 

"Alright, who's got a secret admirer," Jen called over the group as everyone sort of came to a halt and Jonas jogged over to the delivery guy who looked very lost. 

A few people snickered and some more comments were thrown around but it all went in one ear and out the other for me once my eyes found Nora and saw the look on her face. The same one Jonas threw back at her direction once he'd reached and spoken to the guy.

It was like they were having a conversation with just their eyes, something no one else was privy to and the thought of that made me anxious.

We all watched as Nora slowly walked over, exchanging a few words with the courier herself before the flowers were handed over to Jonas who started walking inside. But not before Nora snagged the card that was stuck between the flowers. 

I watched as she took a deep breath, her shoulders rising shakily, before opening the card up. The tears that flooded her eyes were instant and she all but crumbled to the ground, landing on her knees.

The gasps that sounded through the team were enough for Jonas to turn around but before he'd reached her, Beth and Leah did. I was stood still, trying to make sense of the situation and also trying my hardest not to rush over. I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from pulling her into my arms and making it seem platonic.

She was crying, shoulders shaking and I had to force myself to look away, instead coming face-to-face with Viv, who - bless her sweet heart - was coming over to check on me.

"I don't think those are from a secret admirer," she said quietly and I just nodded. Out the corner of my eye I could see Jonas and Nora walking away, his hand supporting her as she struggled to properly walk. Leah was carrying the flowers in for them and Beth returned to the team, shrugging her shoulders even before anyone could ask anything.

But as she got closer to me and Viv, she lowered her voice to almost a whisper and said: "I could've sworn the card said Eva."


It took me like a solid minute of gathering up my courage before I finally raised my hand and knocked on her door. I could see that lights were on and from directly behind her door I was also able to hear the soft music. So when she didn't come straight away, I got very nervous that this had been a bad idea and she was going to ignore me stood there.

Luckily that was not the case and the door opened just moments later, Nora's tired eyes looking into mine. She looked like those tears out on the field hadn't been her last of the day and the realization broke my heart. She had left immediately after, with only Jonas returning to finish up with the day. Alessia had asked if Nora was okay and Jonas simply said that she's taking a personal day. 

Looking away, mainly to keep my own eyes from tearing up, I lifted my left hand that held a paper bag. "I got chinese so you don't have to cook tonight," I offered with a small smile and was relieved to see one mirrored back at me.

"Wasn't planning on it, yeah," Nora spoke quietly and stepped to the side, allowing me to enter. 

Taking shoes off indoors wasn't really regularly practiced where I was from but her house was so white and light that walking around with my sneakers felt like a crime. So I slid them off my heels and headed to the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter.

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