My Ex

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I know I said that I wouldn't write in this anymore but looks like I lied... again.

Here's the thing. My ex (who is still in my heart) writes in a journal like me. While I was working on a new chapter for my one-shot and short stories for korrasami and kataang I got a notification. 

I used to follow them and when I try to unfollow Wattpad is being mean and still notifies me. What I'm getting at is I saw their new entry today and couldn't help but read it. I thought I was the only one that felt that way but I was wrong. 

Lately, my parents have been rude to me. They tell me I should "eat healthier because both sides have diabetes." Yet with my brother, they say nothing at all. This has been going on for a year. I thought no one could help me until I met my forever girl. They helped me with so much but the voices in my head of my parents, friends, and brother were slowly taking over. 

I vented in a server with them in it, forgetting they could see my texts, and they got mad. My mental health got worse. I kept thinking about them dumping me and the dreaded day came. I told the server that I was laughing at peoples pain, which now I know sounds mean but hear me out. We were watching a video which explained the whole situation with Hitler and the voice overs and the mini ads were just funny. I was going to explain but I knew it wouldn't change anything. 

I talked with one of their exes before and they said they dumped them for me. I feel like such an idiot for laughing at the videos and now I have to force a smile. They made me happy, helped me with my parents, and I tried to help to.

Ex, if your reading this I'm sorry. I should have been there for you but I wasn't. 

- Luna

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