Chapter 7 - A City in Ruins

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There is a general belief that one can never truly understand the cruel reality of what others are facing until he steps into that situation. That was, the perfect explanation to the emotions that I felt when I stood outside. I watched the city burn in it's chaos from the comfort of a classroom, not fully grasping the magnitude of chaos, we were about to walk into but once I pushed the door wide open and saw the gory site of burning buildings, helicopters crashing into buildings, people breaking into stores across the street to gather what they felt would be useful to them, it was at that point I fully understood everything. We were doomed, doomed to this cruel new world. It felt like I was working into a different world, much different from the one I saw through the class window.

A drop of water fell on my hand, then another on the other hand and soon enough the droplets increased in speed and quantity. The water fell on the pile of dead zombies that lay outside, washing off the blood on their bodies. A pool of red colored water quickly formed around the bodies and extended as the rain kept coming. A zombie rose up from one of the pile and was making it's way towards us when a bullet went right through it's head. The body dropped right to the ground making a splash sound as it hit the ground. It's killer, one of the men dressed in suit stared in our direction.

"Common don't just stand there. Get into the bus" He shouted and I finally found enough strength to leave the door and move towards one of the buses While the others dragged their feet as they followed me sheepishly.

At the door of one the buses, another man wearing a black suit held a thermometer in his right hand and pointed it to my head before moving aside to give me passage through. I held my bag tightly as I looked for a seat. I scanned through, looking for the perfect seat. I looked to the rear where a couple of hill crest high guys sat and spotted some spaces between them but I dared not step there even in this very odd times. The number one rule every riversider was told when getting into riverside is, you never mingle with a crester no matter what. If your friend happened to switch to the other side that friendship was to be dissolved.

Given the harsh relationship between our two schools I sat at the seats away from them and Just as I settled down, Bella walked right in and Nicholas hastily followed her behind. I took a deep breath as she sat right beside me and Nicholas stared right in my eyes before he took the seat right behind us. I was certain this trip was about be the longest of my life.

I looked at the window, completely carried away by the droplets of water that rolled down the window to notice that Nicholas had just left his seat and was standing next to Bella until he began to speak.

"Why the fuck did you choose him over me?" Nicholas asked angrily, not caring about the scene he was creating. All eyes stared in our direction once he began talking.

I stood up from my seat and stood right next to him. I looked him right in the eyes unphased by whatever he could do. All that mattered to me was to make sure he didn't disturb Bella again but When I stared in his eyes I saw real pain, something I was not a stranger to. My anger vanished and all that went through my mind was how to settle this without hurting anyone. Something I knew was impossible.

I leaned even closer before I spoke. "I get that it hurts to lose someone love cause I've felt that pain before but Take a look around you Nicholas. The world we know is ending, what matters now is figuring out how we are going to make it out of here alive. We are not going to fare well if we start fighting and accusing one another. So please put aside the pain and frustration until we are sure that we are truly safe." I said as I maintained eye contact with him.

The silence remained as Nicholas remained unmoved until someone began to clap. I turned towards the direction of the clapping and spotted Joshua right next to me.

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