Ep. 1.5: I'll be your Hope

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(A/N: Not canon but I feel the need to put an extra chapter before moving onto Episode 2. After seeing a few fan videos, this chapter involves Pomni being abstracted and then Haruhito comes in to save the day. This is the link to that video.)


Episode Summary: Despite being in the Digital Circus for one day, Pomni has gone completely insane and became abstracted. It's now up to the group to bring her back to normal or else Caine is forced to lock her away. Will Haruhito succeed in bringing her back to Hope or will Pomni inevitably fall to despair, thus leading her to eternal darkness.


(Opening: The Amazing Digital Circus Anime Opening (Animation)

(Opening Ends)



Haruhito is seen entering into his room after dealing with today's events. Once he entered, he looked around to see it looked plain and bland. All it had was bed and some book shelfs. Although it seemed okay, the Kamen Rider felt the need to do some redecorating and renovations.

Haruhito: "Well... could make a few changes."

Reaching behind him, he pulls out a ring which is revealed to be the Create Wizard Ring. Placing the ring on his right hand, he hovers the ring over the belt buckle, activating the magic ability.

[Create! Please!]

Raising the ring in the air, a rainbow-colored magic circle appears before the whole place is soon engulfed in a magical, rainbow-colored tornado. After a few seconds, a bright flash of light appears and when it disappeared, it is revealed the room had gone through mass revisions. The place was more spacious and had extra rooms, resembling that of an apartment.

(A/N: There are no windows.)

Haruhito: (smirks) "Much better

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Haruhito: (smirks) "Much better."

With his task done, Shio went to get freshen up and then go to bed for tomorrow's event.


In present time, Haruhito is seen lying in bed after reminiscing after today's events. It had only been the first day and already he was forced into a fight. If this was Caine's idea of an adventure, then he dreaded on what other 'games' he had in store for them. This made the Kamen Rider mentally prepare himself for any and all conflicts he may be forced to deal with. However, right now, all he wants to do is sleep on it and hope for the best by tomorrow.

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