Chapter 2 : The Meeting

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My stomach let out a sound so horrid that I blushed.

"You hungry?"

"Considering you force me into your car without giving me a chance to eat breakfast, the answer is yes." I gave him a look saying that I'm mad but he gave no other response but a laugh.

In a few minutes we're already in a drive thru for Mc Donalds. "Give me a chicken mc muffin without eggs and warm coffee." After confirming the order he reach for his wallet to pay but I stop him. "I don't like when someone pays for my food."

"Well your just in luck because I'm not just someone in your life am I?" He gave me wide grin before paying the bills. He past me the food as he drive away.

I murmur a thank you and keep quiet all the way. I chew on my food while giving him a quick glance once in a while and I can tell something was on his mind. I look out the window and thought about what he said.

"Well your just in luck because I'm not just someone in your life am I?"  What was that supposed to mean?

The vibration from my pocket cancel my thought. I push my hand in my pocket and reach for the phone.

When I click it open there's a few notification from my friends who wishes me birthday. I was too immersed on the phone that I did not realize we were already stopping somewhere.

"Where are we?" I didn't recognize this place at all. The old building was rusty, with broken windows and street art spread all over the wall. Well, this place certainly did not cross on my mind to be a function to celebrate my birthday.

Before I knew it he was on the other side of my door opening it up for me. "Put this blindfold on." I gave him a weary look. "Wait hold up there Charlie. I did not know you were into this kind of stuff. Whatever it is I'm not interested in participating." He gave me a disbelieving look before letting out a sigh.

"C'mon now Kylie. You're making this tough for me."

Giving up I tied the blindfold around my eyes. This better be worth it I mutter to myself.

He put his hand on my back, sending tingles across my body. With the blindfold on, he guide me through the building, making sure I don't trip myself over or fall of the stairs. Finally after what felt like eternity I can hear a soft beat. The closer I get, the louder it got. We stop abruplty before Charlie loosen the tie on the blindfold.

We were standing infornt of a big metal door and behind that is a loud sound. Almost like a disco. Then it hit me.

"Charlie don't tell me you secretly bring me to a club?" He grin and pull the metal door, making a screeching sound.

Once the door was fully open, the music blasted was clearer and this time ten times louder. It was a full house. I didn't get a chance to fully abosrb the situation before getting pulled by Charlie. "Cmon you need to let loose, and what more can it be perfect if its not on your birthday!"

"I dont think this is my way on celebrating my birthday Charles." Honestly, I rather spend my birthday in my room watching movies or reading books.

"Kylie I spend like 200 bucks for the tickets. You need to enjoy this!"

"Youve got to be kidding me!" I hit him on the chest. Guilt stricken me at the thought of it. "It's okay Kylie. I want you to have fun. Now, would you gave me the honour to dance with you?" He bowed down like a prince charming does. Bashfully I accept his hand, ignoring my rasional part which screams this will be a mistake.

I didn't question Charlie on how he found the club or why the club is full pack like this even though it's still early in the morning. For the moment, all I could think was how his hand stays at my hip as we sway together to the beat.

We were so close I could feel his body radiating heat. I look up to see the same ol' stupid smile that had made me fall for him.

My cheek flush when I accidentally grind on him when somebody push me. Charlie grins wider at that and let out a soft chuckle. We continue to dance until Charlie break away to buy us some drink.

Being left alone on the dance floor was so awkward so I roam around trying to find place to get some air. I found an empty hallway that overview the crowd. Pulling out my phone I texted Charlie to tell him where I was.

Before I could hit send, I crash down on the floor, face flat. A groan escape the culprit that made the reason why I think I would have a bruise on my face tomorrow.

"Ugh get up!" I push him so that he is facing me now. A gasp escape my mouth when I saw how bloodied his face were. Then a voice capture my attention. "I warned you. The next time you speak about that filthy asshole, I'll cut that tounge of yours." His voice was full of authority that it even makes me cower, but that doesn't gave him the right or whatever reason to beat the poor guy into what he is right now.

And also he owes me an apology.

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