City life

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After working my shift at the bar I head home towards my apartment, while swerving past crowds of people that are coming out of clubs in the night. "Excuse me" I say confidently pushing past people, as i move past a group of people one particular person catches my attention.

Blonde hair, short sleave top with muscular arms, tattoos rolling down them, piercing blue eyes. Wait it can't be?! I closey eyes taking in a deep breathe praying its only my imagination, as soon as I open my eyes the person is no longer there. Looking around me in panic my nerves calm down knowing it was just my imagination playing tricks on me again.

I take another shakey breathe before continuing to walk down the street, eventualy I made it to my apartment. As soon as i shut my door I let out the biggest sigh of reliefe, I quickly head to my fridge grabbing a bear and downing half of it in a second.

I rest it on the counter in my kitchen before leaning both my hands on the counter top with my head down allowing my body to relax after being up on my feet all day.
After what happend that night I've had many nightmares, flashbacks and hallucinations of the guys. I've managed to start my life over again, no crime, no murder and no pain except from the pain i choose to ignore.

I let out an irritated groan as my mind becomes swarmed with irritating guilty thoughts, suddenly a scent catches my attention. My head whips up looking in the direction infront of me, it's dark in my living room yet I feel like there's something there.

My instincts are telling me not to ingore it, the scents taints my nose making me wince, it smells so familiar. Different feelings begin to overwhelm me, comfort, happiness, fear and sadness. I groan again trying to stay focused on what the scents coming from.

Just as I walk around my counter and towards my living room a small creak of a floorboard makes me stop dead in my tracks, I swiftly pull out a knife from my belt ready to defend myself. I keep my eyes fixated on the dark living room, I walk further into the living room ready to turn the lights on when the feeling of a body behind me makes my skin crawl, whipping my body round as quick as I can I slice the knife through the air hoping to injure the stranger except my hand slams against something unable to pull it back toward me.

Everything's happening so fast its hard for my eyes to adjust, I watch as the persons large veiny hands go up to my hand unwrapping it from the knife.

He grasps the knife from my hand and throws it to the floor in the corner, I can tell by the guys shoulder out much taller he is than me. Still having not seen his face I quickly think of my next move but it seems he already knew I was going to do it.

He quickly moves his knee to block mine from hitting him inbetween his legs, he then grabs both my hands tightly before pulling me against his chest. In disgust I look up at the person's  face ready ready spit vile insults at them except my mouth slams shut in shock.


I thought when I had saw him earlier it was just another hallucination, this feels so real though.

His hands gripping tightly to mine, he looks down at me with a smile on his face. "Nice to see you Seb" I quickly push away from him managing to get out of his grip, I walk backwards shaking my head indisbelief. "This isnt real. Your dead.." I say as if not believing my own words.

I continue walking backwards backwards my body hits against something hard, I spin around in fear only to see Colt standing before me. Then another figure walks out of the dark living room, Hank. "Non of this is real! Your all dead!" I yell at them. Colt crossing his arms not looking pleased. "Obviously your lil murder scene didn't work out as you had hoped" he says gruffly. "Still a lil shocked you tried to kill us Seb. After everything we did for you?" Hank says in a playful tone. There all messing with me, this is just one of my nightmares.

I take a couple steps back bot taking my eyes of them, I quickly head for my front door. My hand gets close to the handle before I'm pulling away from it, Enzo intoxicating scent invades my nostrils, I can feel my wolf urging to smell more but my mind is still in shock. I push away from him landing with a loud thud on the floor, "careful" Enzo speaks up, I look up at all three of them as they bare down at me.

"How are you still alive? How did you find me!" Panic fills my tone. Colt kneels down infront of me with his domineering poster baring over me. "We managed to escape with a few burns, you forgot who you were dealing with" he says as his eyes roamed over my body making me feel small and insecure. "We've been watching you for a while. You moved to quite a few different countries till you settled down here"Hanks fact about me only proved proved was telling the truth. "B-but why you show your faces now!" I say timidly but yet demanding for an answer.

"We thought we'd let you have your fun, get all the rebellious out of you before we take you back" Enzo speaks up "and clear you have been" Colt says as he stands up straight walking towards the kitchen counter admiring the beer on the side.

"I can see you have been having alot of fun with your freedom. Drank alot of alcohol, ate whatever you wanted, shifted when you wanted, slept when you wanted" he says as he picks up the beer bottle taking a swig of it.

Wait they saw me shift?!

"Might aswell get it out of your system now, once we get back you won't be doing any fo that" Colt says throwing the beer in the bin after finishing it. Something snaps inside me, I stand up regaining my confidence "I'm not going anywhere with you fucking assholes" three large growls erupt the room almost making me lose my balance.

"I don't like this new attitude you've got" Hank says taking a step towards me. For the first time in a long time i don't back down or feel intimidated. "I was doing perfectly fine before I met any of you, you fucked everything up. You want me to live a good life then stay out of it" I tell them, I truly meant every word coming out of my mouth.

"You were doing fine? You had a bullet in you, you were half dead and Lincoln wanted you dead. We haven't exactly done right by you but we've tried" Enzo speaks up looking genuin. "My life was fine when my bother was alive. Now he's not so who's fault is that.." I tell him, he goes silent like the rest of them.

I hear Colt sigh, "We'll talk about this when we get home" he walks up to me as if to reach out and grab my arm only for me to pull away, "I'm not going anywhere with you. I like it here" I tell him with a serious expression, he looks at the other two as if unsure what to do.

"Your tired right now you just need to rest, We'll stay and tall about this tomorrow" Hank speaks up. I shake my head and sigh in irritation. "Can't you guys take no for an answer" I growl out, I push past Colt grabbing my leather jacket before exiting towards the door. I was already out of it before they could stop me.

A year ago I had managed to go back and get my bike,its how I've managed to trvale to so many countries so fast. Straddling my bike quickly I put the key in before pulling it of the stand, the guys walk down the steps of the building but I've already started the engine and quickly speed of down the street.

I can see them in my mirror looking in my direction, I couldn't tell if they were angry or sad.

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