A soft pur

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Just as we had finished preparing food for an early dinner and were now sitting down on the couch with a beer, soft whines echoud through the house.they were quiet enough for any normal person to miss however our Alpha hearing had detected it instantly.

After exchanging puzzled looks with each other we stand up and head up the stairs towards Sebs room. Colt softly pushes the door open "Seb?" He calls out speaking softly. Sebs sat up in his bed with his back to the wall and his eyes fixated on his closet.

I turn the light on seeing its only a jacket hung up against the wardrobe door. "Are you okay?" Colt asks leaning down towards Seb grabbing his attention, i snaps out of whatever trance he was in.

"Yh" he puts on a brave face with a small nod but his voice was laced with fear. "Its okay if something scared you Seb, you can tell us" i tell him hoping he'l open up more.

He shrugs his shoulders off trying to keep his confident posture however his eyes keep diverting towards the closet. Enzo notices, he walks over to the closet and checks the inside.

He turns back to look at me with a small shake of his head, no one's broken in. Maybe his minds just playing tricks on him. "Seb, look. There's no one else in here but you" Enzo says showing him the empty closet, Seb puts on a cocky face and folds his arms as if he's unbothered but I could tell his eyes slightly diverted to the closet when he thought we weren't looking.

"You must be still tired. Rest your eyes a bit more, we'll judt be downstairs if you need us" Colt explains. We all head towards the door before a small voice stops us "Wait" turning around I see him looking a little unsettled.

He's clearly scared but until he shows it, we can't help him. "I'm not tired anymore, I'll come downstairs as well" he says as he pulls the duvet off himself. "Seb, you barely rested" I could tell Seb wasn't going to budge from this.

Either we kept pushing him to sleep up here until he lashes out or we just let him come downstairs. "How about, you come downstairs and rest on the couch for a bit" I suggest feeling 4 eyes glaring into the back of my head.

Seb nods eagerly before hopping of the bed and walking towards us. He eagerly walks out of the room and into the hallway. "Seriously, Hank? He can't live in fear of his own bedroom" Colt says annoyed.

"It's just for today, he'll be fine. Unless you feel like dealing with one of his destructive moods?" I test him, he instantly sighs like a deflated balloon. He knew it was easier this way. Enzo walks towards the bed and picks up sebs wolf before we head after our speedy pup.

We make him a nice comfy bed on the couch with some fluffy blankets and pillows. He instantly snuggles right into it, I dim the lights for him before sitting on the couch with the others.

Colt puts the TV on and instantly lowers the volume. Seb instantly drifts of too sleep just before Enzo place his wolf in between him and the blanket,his small hands wrap around his Teddy tightly.

"See he's fine" I whisper to the two next to me. "We are not making a habit of this" Colt says sternly, I role my eyes at him before looking at the cute pup beside me.

He may be alot younger and destructive than we thought our mate would be but we got bloody lucky to have bonded with him. Anyone else would just see attitude but we are lucky enough to see this side of him.

A couple minutes into the movie we are watching, a small pouring sound comes from next to me. All our eyes gaze upon the little pup as soft gentle purs escape his lips. "I've never heard him do that before" Enzo says looking almost mesmerised by the sight and sound.

"He's a pain in the ass but he can be the most adorable thing" Colts words seemed weird coming from him yet rained so true.

Eventualy we had to wake him up for dinner, but as soon as he finished he went straight back to sleep. Once it had gotten late we decided to carry him up to his room hoping he'd stay in a deep sleep the whole night, the rest of us went to our own rooms exhausted from the day.

I let out a sigh of reliefe as my body hit the bed, I'm so exhausted I'm out like a light.

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