The end?

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After Enzo gave me a bath he let me watch TV downstairs, Hank and him had some work to do so they went to there office.

I watched a film before getting bored and started to flick through the TV channels.

One channel came on where most of the people had no clothes on and were touching each other, "what are you watching?" A voice startles me.

Colt walks in looking at the TV in shock, I still with fear. I don't know why I feel like this towards Colt, I usualy really like him but lately when he's been close to me or touched me I've felt an excruciating pain that makes my skin feel like it's on fire.

Colt walks towards me and I quickly move to the back of the sofa, he stops dead in his tracks. "Seb, can you give me the remote please" he asks resting his palm out, his expressions look defeated.

I slowly give him the remote afraid of touching him, he gently takes the remote and switches channels to a film I like.

"You dont change the channels by yourself, ok?" I nod my head unsure of what to say or do. He sighs before going into the kitchen.

I look around the living room trying to find something to do, I notice the lamp by the corner of the room. I decide to play with it turning it on and off, the light bulb looks so pretty.

I lean my hand towards it, the warmth feels so nice on my hand. Placing my palm on the bulb, it takes a couple seconds before I feel a harsh burning sensation bubbling through my skin.

I instantly pull away while letting out a loud yelp, whines ehcou through the room as my eyes fill up with tears.

Colt rushes in "what happened?" He says looking st me on the floor by the lamp, I look at the palm of my hand and see my skin bubbling with redness.

The sight scares me enough to make me yelp again, tears fill my eyes. "Baby, what did you do?" He says walking closer to me, the pain of the burning stops me from caring heo close he is to me.

He kneels down infront of me keeping his distance, he leans over slightly to see my hand. "How did you burn it?" He looks at the light bulb "Honey, you know not to touch light bulbs" he scolds me before turning the light off.

Usualy when I'm hurt he picks me up or helps the pain go away but he's not, does he not love me anymore.

"Walk to the kitchen and put it understand the sink" he says surprising me, wow he really doesn't care about me anymore.

I reach my arms out to him making grabby hands with tears in my eyes, he shakes his head before backing away "I can't baby, you have to do it yourself" this only makes me cry more.

"Seb, baby don't cry. I really want to pick u up and hold you but I can't, I'll hurt you" he says, what does he mean.

He won't hurt me if he likes me, right? Why would he hurt me? "Whats going on?" Hank says coming down the stairs "Seb burnt his hand on the lamp, I can't pick him up" I could see the pity in hanks eyes before he leans down to me "let me see" he says taking my palm, the skin was starting to blister.

"Okay, let's run it under some cold water" Hank picks me up and holds him against his chest carrying me to the kitchen, he rinses my hand under the water making me cry out in pain "its okay, this is going to help " he says.

Thankfully the cold water did help, the blistering went down during the day. It wasn't long before the guys put me down to bed each one saying good night except for Colt, Colt stood by the door the entire time not even walking towards me.

I guess he doesn't love me anymore.

When morning came my body felt pretty rested, I weirdly always feel good after having some time in my younger headspace.

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