little Seb

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I head out to check on Colt, he's not in his room or in the kitchen. I hear noises from downstairs.

I head to the gym to see him completely demolishing the punch bag. "How are you doing?" I ask interrupting his raged filled hits.

"I'm going to fucking kill her!" He let's out a loud growl that shakes the whole house. "It's going to be fine"i tell him, "it's going to be fine? I can't touch my fucking mate Enzo!" He growls out at me.

"Just give it a day and he will get over it" Colt was in no mood to listen,he just hit and hit. "Instead of hitting things why don't you take your frustrations out in a different  way" he looks at me.

Me and Colt were the most dominant but it didn't mean we couldn't help one another releive a bit of stress.

We head upstaires to his room instantly devouring each others mouths with our tounges, I let him be rough with me since he's the one who needs this more than I do.

I unbuckle his belt and let his jeans drop showing he was already very hard and erect.

I begin rubbing it slightly with my hand moving up and down with a slight grip. I can feel his skin moving with my hand as he breathes out a moan.

His large hand wraps around the back of my neck forcing me to look at him before he shoves his tounge down my throat.

Atleast 2 hours went by till we both felt fully satisfied, we lay on Colts bed looking up at the ceiling.

Our naked torsos slightly sweaty from hoe little work out. "What if the bonds already broken? I can't even touch him without hurting him" Colt says,I could tell the whole time it was on his mind.

"You didn't actualy cheat, he just heard something. His wolfs just protecting him, as much of an attitude he has he's still fragile".

Just then I hear the faint sound of Seb crying, a part of me wants to go see if he's okay but I still don't think Colt should be around him yet. "Hank will calm him down" I say staying  beside Colt.

The next morning was a bit difficult, Sebs in little space today which hasn't made things easy since he's still feeling pain when Colts near him or touches him.

The whole morning we worked our way up on getting them in the same room together, after much crying and tantrums from Seb we finally managed to get Colt and Seb in the same room without it hurting Seb.

While doing this it has made me thought whether Seb needs a pacifier, he seems incredibly little right now.

Sebs sat at the kitchen counter while Colt stands at thr other end of the kitchen by the cooker, I could see the hurt in his eyes yet he tryed to hide it from Seb.

"How about pancakes? Do you want pancakes for breakfast?" Colt says trying his best with Seb, Seb shakes his head not making eye contact with Colt.

"You like pancakes" Hank says placing his  palm on his back, Seb shakes his head again before rubbing his eyes.

Eventualy I gave in and cut up some fruit for him to eat, I hadn't let him see that Colt had helped me cut up the fruit afraid he would reject that aswell.

This is more serious than I thought. After finishing his food he sits there deep in thought, his eyes suddenly bright up at the thought of something.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask smiling, "bike" he says with his eyes sparkling. "Ooh that's not going to happen" Hank says chuckling at how cute Seb is for thinking he could ride his bike in this state.

"Whyyyyy" Seb whines, "because little pups don't ride big adult bikes" I tell him, "my bike. I adult" he says trying his best to form a sentence, "oh my apolgese, I didn't know you were an adult" I say playing along, he nods his head aggressively as if he really thinks I belive him.


"Well then, I guess if your an adult you should take a bath" Hank says playing with him, Seb instantly stills.

"I  adult, I don't have to" I chuckle at his words, "nu uh, adults have to" he goes quiet looking down at his fingers "I not adult" he mumbles making us laugh.

"Awe its okay baby, you'll always be our pup" I tell him, while me and Hank played with Seb I could see Colt felt very hurt that he couldn't join in. But our pup still needed attention especially in such a little mind set.

"You still need to take a bath tho, come on" I say, "noooo I no adult. No need one" he says trying to get down from the stool quickly, I already had my hands around his small waist and effortlessly pick him up towards my chest.

Seb whined the whole way up the stairs but with a few pats and jolts he soon calmed down.

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