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Who can you trust?

Who can you trust?

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Katarina's Outfit above

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Katarina's Outfit above

I walked inside the lunch room where Chef shouts out today's breakfast menu. "Today's breakfast is Hawaiian-Italian fusion casserole!" Gwen looks at him as he slaps a blob of unknown leftovers. "You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge?"

"Yeah, that's right! You got a problem with that?!" Chef gives her a look, Gwen shakes her head, saluting him. "Sir, no sir!"  Next in line was Heather who was wrapped in a blanket, she looked so dead. Apparently during her Frozen act in the freezer, she had gotten sick which she honestly deserved it. Heather lets out a sneeze, Gwen backs up and looks at her. "Need a little echinacea?"

"Ha, you're so funny. You think that you can just lock me up in a freezer and get away with it? I am gonna make you sorry that you ever met me." Heather spats with a stuffy nose, I handed her a napkin with a disgusting face. "We already do, but you're performance on Frozen was all we needed to confirm it."

" You are such a... a... a... achoo!" Heather sneezes, the food blows up in her face. Me, Gwen and Bridgette all try to hold in our laughter.

"Ugh! I hate this place!"

After the encounter with Miss.Achoo, I could see in the corner of my eye Duncan shoving a mug up his shirt with no questions. I smirked, walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around him, placing my hands under his shirt. He jumps, feeling the cold sensation of my hands. His smile truns into a smirk when he faced me. "Kat, not in front of everyone..."  I pulled out the mug from his shirt and waved it like asking a little kid who just stole something and tries to denied. "Really a mug?"

" What?  it's cool looking and I don't have one. Hm. Didn't have one, that is." He said, making up some dumb excuse. I rolled my eyes, placing the mug back on the table. "If you are going steal something, make it worth your wild.."

"Like your heart?" My heart skipped a beat, I made an awe face. "Stupid yet cheesy.. I like it... But no..." Duncan made a pouty face, " Awww, and here I thought you didn't care about me."

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