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Basic Straining

Basic Straining

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I was making breakfast when I heard the loud booming voice of Chef from the cafeteria

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I was making breakfast when I heard the loud booming voice of Chef from the cafeteria. Well looks like everyone is in for a military training today expect for me. Since it was Dad's day off, he decided to let me help Chef out with today's challenge, which I'm kinda glad since I would totally pass out especially since it's Chef who's doing the challenge today. After I ate breakfast, I put on my training outfit for the day, I headed towards where Chef was and the rest were at the dock. "Where's Katalina?" Duncan said, looking around for me.

Chef points the megaphone at Duncan's face shouting through megaphone, "You'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something! Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive. As for Katalina she would be helping me in today's challenge." I walked up next to Chef smiling, Duncan looks at me up and down at my outfit, as well as the other guys. They were basically drooling over me, more so Duncan than any of the guys. Chef whacks all the guys with the a ruler, I chuckled, holding in my laughter. "Aww, that hurt!" Owen whined, "My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team!"

Heather leans to Gwen and Trent, "Uh... what happened to Chris? And why does Katalina get to help?" I grabbed the megaphone from Chef and shouted in Heather's direction. "One don't worry about my dad and as for me helping out, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!" I gave back the megaphone to Chef who just blinked but when back to screaming at the others. "Rule number one! You will address us as Master Chief and Sergeant Kat! Have you got that?!"

"Yes, Master Chief! Yes Sergeant Kat!" Wow, I could get used to this. I should have Chef scare them more often. "You will sleep when I tell you to sleep! And you will eat only when I tell you to eat! Is that clear?!" Chef says the last part in Geoff's face. I could see the color from his face turn white, "Yes, Master Chief!"

"Rule number two! When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three! I'll have to get one quitter before the end of the first day! And that day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers! Now, now, now!" Everyone scrambles off the dock, running for lives to the beach. Oh I'm totally gonna have so much fun with today's challenge. Once all of us were on the beach, Chef explained the challenge for the first part of the day, "Listen up! Each team will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!"

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