Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 9-11)

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Scene 9

Back on Earth 1610, Gwen and Peter B. Parker are having a conversation about Miles. "No one from any other universe has found him. Peni hasn't seen him, Pavitr hasn't seen him, not even Hobie," Gwen says all in anger. "No one has seen him, and I'm starting to worry about him." Peter then comes up to Gwen. "Hey, don't be negative about all of this Gwen," he said to her. "We're going to find him." 

Then Gwen begins to shout, "And what if we don't Peter? I don't want to lose Miles again after what happened with Spider Society." A tear begins to roll down her face. They both sit in silence for a bit, still waiting for a response from someone. Peter said, "Gwen, Miles is going to be alright. Remember, I taught him how to be Spider-Man, and you taught him how to survive on his own in a situation like this. We'll find him. Don't worry." 

Gwen is trying to feel better about this, but she's being doubtful. She walks out of the room in fear of what could happen. Peter grows concerned for Gwen.

Scene 10

We're back at Secret HQ to Sweet Justice. Everyone is doing their own thing. Kara is listening to music, Babs is spying on the city with her devices to detect crime, Karen is working on her suit, Jessica is creating some protest signs, Zee is practicing controlling her magic, and Diana is sitting by her station in a state of confusion. 

All she could think about was how Spider-Man got to Metropolis High to help out before she became Wonder Woman. But she was also concerned that Miles left when Spider-Man showed up. She was confused about all of this. That's when a thought hit her mind. "Is Miles Spider-Man?" she thought to herself. She needed answers. "Sisters, I must tell you all something, and it has to do with Miles," she said. 

The girls then pause their activities and look at Diana. She then proceeded to tell them about the fight with Chemo, how she heard the screams of students, how Miles ran towards the bathroom, and how Spider-Man appeared. After telling her story, she asks, "Could there be a correlation between Miles and Spider-Man?" 

The girls weren't sure what to think at first. Could Miles possibly be Spider-Man? Then Karen jumps in. "Now that you mention it, his voice did sound familiar to Spider-Man's voice," Karen said. She made a good point. Jessica and Zee didn't agree with Karen or Diana on this one. "We've only met Miles, you guys. It seems possible he could be Spider-Man. Maybe Miles just went to hide in the bathroom," Kara said. Diana still wondered if that would be true, but what if she was right? Miles could be Spider-Man. She didn't know how to feel about it. 

Just as Diana was about to say something, One of Bab's machines went off, and goes to check on it. She sees Catwoman, Giganta, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire, and Livewire at it again on the boardwalk. "Oh great, it's these 5 again," Babs said in an annoyed tone. Everyone comes by to check it out, and they begin to suit up. They then head out to the boardwalk, but Diana still has Miles as Spider-Man on her mind.

Scene 11

The girls run off to the scene where Giganta, Livewire, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Star Sapphire are. Wonder Woman and Batgirl are running on the rooftops, while Bumblebee, Green Lantern, Supergirl, and Zatanna are flying over the buildings. Wonder Woman then sees Spider-Man on one of the buildings from afar. She sees that he is about to head over to the scene, but stops. She is concerned about Miles being Spider-Man, and wonders if that is true. "Sisters, go on ahead to the scene. I'll be right over. I just need to check on something," she said. The rest of them head over to the scene, while Wonder Woman heads over to Spider-Man. 

We then see Spider-Man, looking from afar at the scene. He takes off his mask and looks at it. "What am I even doing? I shouldn't be fighting all the time. This isn't even my universe, but I'm always fighting crime," he said to himself. Miles is believed to have come to this universe for a reason. Was it to find the balance in his life, or was it to be a hero in a new universe? All of this was confusing to him. He didn't know what to do. Before he put the mask back on, he heard footsteps from behind. He turned around to see Wonder Woman. 

"Miles? Is that you?" she asked. "How'd you know my name?" he asked her. That's when she knew she had to tell him the truth. "Miles, it's me, Diana Prince," she said to him without hesitation. He was giving a look of shock to Diana, realizing that it was her. 

"Miles, what in Hades are you doing on the roof? And why are you in Spider-Man's outfit?" Diana asked. Miles was very hesitant to respond. "There's no point in lying to you now, but I am Spider-Man," he said back. "But there's more that you don't know." He had a long pause before he continued talking. "I'm not from this universe," he continued. "I'm from another universe." This took Diana by shock when she heard him say that. She didn't know how to respond to this. Both continue to look at each other for a long time.

Cut to Black

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now