Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Scenes 22 - 25)

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Scene 22

In the bunker, we see Jessica, Kara, Garth, Oliver, Zee, Hal, Babs, Diana, and Barry working on the party. The bunker is filled with party decorations, bowls of chips, burritos, a cake that Barry designed, a dancefloor, speakers, and a sign that says, "Welcome to our universe." It's decorated by Jessica.

Babs gets a text from Karen that says, "We're on our way back now. I'll have the blindfold on him. Have everyone ready." Babs announces to everyone. "Guys, Miles and Karen are on their way over. Let's get ready for their arrival," Babs said. Everyone finishes up their final touches and heads towards the center.

Upstairs, Karen puts a blindfold over Miles's eyes. She grabs his hand to lead him down to the bunker. They walk downstairs. "Karen, can I take this blindfold off soon?" Miles asks. Karen tells him we're almost there. As they get down to the bunker, they stop. "Now, stay right here, Miles," Karen said. "I'll tell you when to take the blindfold off." She runs over to her friends. "Alright, Miles," Karen said. "You can take off the blindfold now." He takes it off and everyone but Miles yells, "Surprise!!!"

Miles was surprised to see a party that was set up. "Whoa. What's all this?" Miles asks. Hal comes up to Miles. "It's a party for you, bud," Hal said. "After what you told me on the night you moved in, I felt like you needed something to help you feel like you belong to a big group of friends." Miles was happy to hear this. "So we all came up with a plan to spend an hour with you today," Karen said. "The party was all Hal's idea."

Miles was surprised. "So that's why we all couldn't do one big group thing together?" Miles asks. "Because you guys were preparing this for me?" Everyone nodded with soft smiles. Miles went from a look of surprise to a look of pleasure and happiness.

"You guys didn't have to do this for me," Miles said. Jessica intervenes and says, "But we wanted to do this for you. Miles, we're not sure if you'll get back home or not, but you're our friend, and we felt like you needed help. Not just on trying to get back, but on yourself also." Kara adds, "Plus, you're one of us, and we felt like we wanted to make you one of us." Miles crept a smile in.

"Wow," Miles said. "I've never felt like this. My whole life I've felt like an outsider to the world, until coming to your universe. Now I feel like I've been accepted by others who understand me." A single tear rolls down Miles's face. "Miles, you're special," Zee said. "Not just to one person here, but to everyone."

Miles is still in tears. Everyone else starts to cry and goes over to give Miles a group hug. "Miles, we all love you," Jessica said. "Every one of us cares for you. Plus, it wasn't just us who wanted to make you special, you made all of us special." Miles was happy. His friends cared for him like family.

They all agree it's time to start partying. "Zee, you want to put on the first song?" Kara asks. Zee nods and puts on "Silk & Cologne" by EI8HT & Offset to start the beat off. Everyone else joins in and begins to party. Everyone was dancing, taking photos, eating the burritos, and having fun. The music still kept going on. It kept playing different songs from the Spider-verse albums and songs from this universe. Everyone was having the time of their life.

"Well, it's almost time for this to end," Hal said. "Miles, I hope this party was great." Miles puts on a smile and says, "This party was what I needed today, along with everything else. I just wish it didn't have to end." That's when Miles had an idea. "Say, why don't we all have ourselves a sleepover tonight? And get breakfast somewhere?" Miles asked. Everyone looked at each other. "Like have a sleepover in the bunker?" Kara asked. Miles nodded yes. Everyone wasn't sure about this idea. That's when Karen stepped up.

"I think that's a great idea," she said. "I've got nothing going on tomorrow morning. We could even watch a movie tonight also." Everyone was convinced that a sleepover was a good idea. They go back home quickly to get their nighttime items. "Thanks for supporting me on this, Karen," Miles said. She looks at Miles. "You're family to me, Miles," she said. He smiles softly at her. She gets back to her house to get her nighttime items.

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