Episode 3: The Truth About (Scene 17)

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Scene 17

"Wait a second, this villain is someone from your Earth?" Green Lantern asks.

Spider-Man explained to the girls she worked for this other villain named King Pin who was using a device called the collider to bring his wife and son from another universe back, how Miles got his friends back to their universes, and shutting down the collider. He told them how Doc Oc was the person who was working on the collider. But Spider-Man was more concerned as to how Doc Oc got here. He wondered if World Collider had anything to do with this.

His thinking was interrupted by Wonder Woman. "Miles, we can worry about how she got here later," she said. "Right now, we need to stop this destruction." Wonder Woman was right. Spider-Man puts his mask back on. "So what do we do about this?" Zatanna asks.

Wonder Woman wasn't sure how to handle this kind of situation, but Spider-Man did. He turns invisible and starts heading towards them. "I think I have a plan, sisters," Wonder Woman said. "We need to ambush them from each side. A sneak attack is exactly what needs to be done. Then Miles will-"

Before continuing her plan, she realizes that Miles is gone. She asks where he is. Supergirl uses her X-ray vision to find Spider-Man. "Diana, he's already going to them," she said. Everyone looks to see Spider-Man heading towards the group. "What is Miles doing?" Bumblebee asks. "He's going to get himself hurt," Green Lantern said. "We need to get him back right now," Batgirl said.

But before they could move, Wonder Woman stopped them and said, "Let him go."

As Spider-Man approaches them, he becomes visible again. "Hey, Doc Oc!" he yells out. She recognizes that voice. She had a sinister look on her. She turns around to see Spider-Man. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Spider-Man," she said. "I wasn't expecting to see you here. This is quite a surprise." She's sarcastic about him being here, and she gets closer to him.

"But then again, whenever I'm here, you always show up," she said. "It's no surprise to me. What's surprising is that my new boss doesn't know that you're here. Then again, he hasn't heard of you, yet." Giganta, Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, and Poison Ivy join in. "You know of Spider-Man, Liv?" Catwoman asks. Doc Oc tells her the history between them. "Both from the same universe. It's no wonder why we haven't heard of Spider-Man before," Poison Ivy said. "He's been a big problem for us ever since he first arrived here." Doc Oc asks if they know him, and they all say yes.

"Well, Spider-Man, I see you've made some new 'friends' here," Doc Oc said. Spider-Man had fear inside of him, but he shook the fear off. "I'm not going to let you get away with almost wrecking Sweet Justice," he said. "How did you get to this universe, Doc? There's no way you could have gotten here alone. Who's your new boss?" The girls were looking at Miles in concern. Supergirl noticed that Doc Oc was raising one of her robot arms as if she was ready to attack him. She dashes over at super speed to prevent him from being hit. "Oh, that you'll find out," Doc Oc said. "But first, let's have some fun."

Her robot arm heads straight for Spider-Man, and he embraces the attack. But Supergirl attempts to grab the arm before Miles gets hit. "Thanks, Supergirl," he said. Doc Oc was surprised by what happened. "Well, isn't this a nice surprise?" Doc Oc said. "A Kryptonian. My boss warned me about your kind. That's why he prepared me for this!" Her robot arm opens up and spews a green gas. Supergirl recognizes the smell. "Oh no. Kryptonite!" she yells. She begins to cough and gets weaker. The other girls rush out to attack everyone else.

Spider-Man gets Supergirl out of Doc Oc's arm. "Now it's my turn to return the favor," he said. He grabs her and starts to run. He puts her back to where they originally started. "Rest up for now, Kara," he said. "When you get your strength back, you can join again."

Spider-Man runs back to join the rest of the girls. Everyone was pitted against each other. Spider-Man was taking on Doc Oc since he knew how to defeat her, thanks to his help from Gwen. It was Wonder Woman against Catwoman, Batgirl against Giganta, Bumblebee against Poison Ivy, and Green Lantern and Zatanna against Star Sapphire and Livewire. A big fight was going on.

Kara was sitting behind, resting up after being exposed to Kryptonite. She watched as everyone was fighting. But she noticed that Miles was getting beaten by Doc Oc. She was worried about him, even after he saved her. "Even though I messed up, he still treated me with respect," Kara thought to herself. "But I'm watching as he's getting himself beaten, and he's doing it for me."Kara regains her strength and gets back up onto her feet. "I'm not going to let Miles get hurt again," she told herself. Supergirl super speeds her way to Spider-Man and Doc Oc. She uses her eye lasers to destroy one of Doc Oc's arms. Spider-Man starts to fall, but Supergirl quickly saves him from breaking any bone in his body. "Now we're even, Spider-man," she said. Spider-Man gave a smile underneath his mask. Doc Oc's other arm was about to release more Kryptonite, but before it could reach Supergirl, Spider-Man launched a web at her other arm and planted it on the ground. Supergirl punches Doc Oc right in the chest and she goes flying back.

The rest of the girls successfully defeat the other villains, and they join Doc Oc. "Now tell me who you are working for, Doc Oc," Spider-Man asks in anger. "Who is your new boss?" Before she could answer, she got back up and replaced her robot arm with a new one. She then grabs the rest of the villains. "This isn't over yet, Spider-Man," Doc Oc said. "This is only the beginning. My boss will remain a mystery to you, but for now, I and the rest of my friends must retreat. You'll see us again, and I'll get your friends next time."

She climbs up a building and runs away. Spider-Man was in a state of worry along with the other girls. They were curious to know how she got here, and what her plans were. But the bigger mystery to them was who Doc Oc's new boss was.

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