Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Hal & Miles)

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Scene 17

The ball starts to come back down. It's anyone's game now. Miles quickly jumps into the air and steals the ball. Hal was impressed by Miles so far. "Nice one," Hal said. "But this is only just the beginning." Miles chuckles.

Miles runs towards the hoop, but Hal catches up quickly and attempts to block him. Miles keeps dribbling the ball before he can attempt a shot. He uses his arm to block Hal from stealing the ball. Miles then spins to face the hoop and attempts a shot. It misses, however, and bounces off to the sideline. Hal goes to get it. "It was a good shot attempt," Hal said. Miles thanked him. They continue to play.

Hal goes up to score a point. Miles was impressed. "Wow, you really have been practicing," Miles said. Hal responds, "Yeah. I've been ready for today." Hal dribbles the ball for a while. Miles goes up to attempt a steal. "Nice moves," Miles said. "But let's see how you handle this." Miles goes in to steal the ball back. He rolls his arms underneath and steals the ball. "How'd you do that?" Hal asks in shock. "That's a pretty bold move." Miles runs over towards the hoop and scores a point. "Now we're even," Miles said. "And to answer your question, my dad taught me. He knew a lot of crazy moves that left people by surprise. That was one of them." Hal was impressed. "Your dad taught you well," Hal said. "But, I'm just getting started." The competition was just getting real.

Outside the courts, we see Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, and Carol Ferris, also known as Star Sapphire, walking along the fence. "Geez, after all the fun trouble we have caused, Lex is still going after our mysterious new villain, Spider-Man," Selina said. Carol nods in agreement. "Spider-Man is mysterious," she said. "What's even surprising to me is our new ally, Doctor Octavius. She's been going after Spider-Man ever since he showed up. Now Liv won't stop getting him out of her head."

Selina responds, "Revenge for a supervillain is what she's going after. She did tell us about her other universe." Carol recalls the story that Doctor Octavius told them. "What scares me a bit is that there are other universes," Carol said. "It's scary but also thrilling. Other universes where I can get Hal Jordan to be mine." Selina facepalmed herself. "I doubt any other Hal Jordan would want to be with you," Selina said. "But I guess anything is possible." As they continued to talk, Miles said, "Hal, this next move is going to surprise you." Carol overhears Hal's name and looks over to the courts. Selina begins to follow.

Miles starts to dribble the ball. Hal is blocking him to not scoring. What happens next catches Hal off guard. Miles throws the ball over Hal and grabs the ball, giving Miles another basket. "Ok, I see what you did there," Hal said. "I wouldn't call that a legal move, but we're having fun." Miles laughs. "It was legal back in Brooklyn," Miles said. "So I'd assume it would be legal here." Hal laughed. "You make a good point," Hal said. They continue to play the game while Selina and Carol watch.

"Isn't that the new kid in our school? The kid who was Hally Wally's lab partner?" Carol asks Selina. Selina responds, "Yes. That's Miles from what I hear. Seems your ex has a real liking for him. I've seen them hanging out every day this past week." Carol brims with jealousy. "That Miles wants to take Hal away?" She asks. Selina says, "I think they're just great friends. Purrfect for Hal." Carol raises an eyebrow.

At the courts, Hal and Miles are still playing. Miles looks out to see that Selina and Carol are watching them. "Hey, Hal," Miles said. "Looks like we got us some spectators watching." Hal looks in Miles's direction and starts to look in fear. "That's my ex-girlfriend. Why is she watching us?" Hal asks. Miles asks which one, and Hal tells him it is Carol. "She's your ex?" Miles asks. "And you're scared of her?" Hal goes into detail about how she was super clingy to him, always stalking him, and even fighting other girls out of jealousy, including Jessica. So he had to end it with her. "Wow, those are some good reasons to break up with her," Miles said. Selina can see Carol brimming with jealousy. She grabs her and tells the boys, "Don't mind us, boys. We were just on our way back home. Enjoy your game." Selina rushes out with Carol. Miles shrugs and gets back to the game. "Come on, let's get back to what we were doing," Miles said. Hal nods agreeing with Miles. They go back to their game.

Scene 18

Back and forth. Both Miles and Hal were scoring points in each basket. They kept going, but they forgot what the score was. But it didn't matter to them. They were having fun, which was important to them. After a while, they decided to call it even. "Ha, you're good, Miles," Hal said. Miles said the same thing to Hal. "Yeah, you got some good moves, dude," Miles said. "I didn't even keep track of the score, but I felt like I got the most baskets in. At least that's what I think." Hal laughed. "Yeah," Hal said. "I lost track too. But I still enjoyed this time with you, man."

Miles agreed. Miles hadn't felt this good in a long time. "Hal, thanks for convincing me to play one-on-one with you," Miles said. "I haven't been this happy in a while. I mean, on my Earth, I have Gwen, my mom, my dad, my mentor, and other Spider-Friends from other universes, but I had never known what it was like to be a normal teen. But today, I felt like that." Hal smiled at his answer. "Well, you're special, Miles," Hal said. "When you told me about your life back on your Earth, I felt like I needed to do something to make you feel better, and that's exactly what I did. You're a good friend to me. I'll be honest, I've had trouble keeping my friends, but you still kept coming back to me and hanging out with me. You mean a lot to me, man."

Miles was happy to hear this from Hal. "You mean a lot to me too, Hal," Miles said. They both softly smiled at each other for a while. "So, you good for another round?" Hal asks. Miles laughs. Then he looks at the time. It's 5:30. "I still have time before I meet Karen," Miles said. "The boardwalk isn't that far from here, right?" Hal tells him it's a short walk from the courts. Then Miles tells him, "I can do one more round." Hal nods and asks to get one more photo in with Miles. The photo snaps and Hal sends it over to Miles and they're friends. They get back onto the court and continue to play. Zooming out, we see Miles score a point.

Fades over to the next scene

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