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I can hear faint footsteps walking around in the closet as I approach it. I open the door and there was a cat, a small fluffy Siamese cat sitting on a shelf with the floor below covered in color pencils. " Is that your cat?" Milo says laughing " uh no we don't have a cat I don't know where she came from" I say with a puzzled expression on my face. "Oh we should probably tell your parents" Milo says "yeah, I will go get them you stay here and don't let the cat run away" I tell Milo as I walk to the door. " hey mom I need you to come here I found something" I say walking into the living room "sure sweetheart lets go" my mom says getting up from the couch " I will be right back guys" my mom tells Milo's parents as we walk through the kitchen. We enter the room and Milo is sitting on the floor with the cat climbing on his shoulders.
" oh my gosh is that a cat!" My mom yells even more surprised than I was "go get your father" my mom says kneeling on the ground to the cat and Milo. About five minutes later me and dad walk into the room and my mom shoves the cat in his face " where did this come from?" My mom says expecting my dad to know " I don't know I mean it looks like my childhood cat but she was much bigger and older my mom was supposed to take care of her when I left for college and I don't think she could have lived that long." my dad says trying to calm her down " well do you think she had babies" my mom says extremely concerned " maybe, but how would they live without there mom or there owner?" My dad says just as concerned. " Hey what this in the closet?" I say taking a empty bag of cat food that fell over out of the closet "well I guess we know how she stayed feed" Milo says getting off the floor. " what are we gonna do  with her?" I ask my mom " well I guess we are gonna keep her she is really cute" my mom says petting the cat. She  puts the cat down and let's her run out of the room " there nothing we can do about the cat now so just leave her alone" my mom says a lot less upset then she was before. My parents left the room leaving me and Milo alone " hey is that a  guitar on the wall of the closet" milo says seeming like he's genuinely interested this time " yeah I think so do you play" I ask " yeah a bit do you mind if I play something?" Milo asks as I grab the guitar off the wall. I hand milo the guitar and he sits down in my blue arm chair.

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