Game night

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It was around five pm when I got a text from Ayla asking me to come over to Milo's house sense she was already there. I put on my shoes and headed out the door waving goodbye to my parents. As I'm walking down the hill I pass Nash's house when I hear the door slam shut. I turn around at the sudden noise when i see Nash walking down the steps. " oh hey Cora!" I hear bash yell as he walk down the street. " hey Nash" I say turning around " are you headed to Milo's for game night" he asks " I am actually, I didn't know you were friends with Milo" I say turning back around "well we are neighbors so It just makes sense for us to get to know each other" Nash says while trying to catch up with me. "Yea I guess that's why me and Milo are friends to" I say laughing a bit. "So do you know everyone that's gonna be there?" Nash asks " well I know Milo and Ayla but that's it's" I replied "oh you know Ayla" Nash says smiling " yea we were really good friends a few years back." I say as Milo's house comes into view " well you should be fine then everyone there is Ayla's friend she like really popular." Nash says running up onto Milo's porch he opens the door and holds it for me as I walk in. I barely get the chance to put my bag down before being tackled to the floor with what I think was a hug by Ayla. She immediately pulls me off of the floor and drags me into the kitchen so she can introduced me to everyone. " ok guys this is Cora!" She yells putting her head on my shoulder "she just moved back hear after four years" Ayla says in a cooler tone as she grabs a piece of cheese of the charcuterie board. "Cora this is jade" she says putting her hand on the shoulder of a girl with tan skin and long red tinted hair. "this is Stella" Ayla say while running over to a girl with dark skin and beautiful brown curls. " and that's Amir" she says pointing at the guy with dark hair and glasses talking to Milo.  "ok let's go outside I just set up a white sheet and projector so we can watch a movie" Ayla says grabbing the charcuterie board as Stella holds the door open. I walk out the door after everyone else and see Ayla plugging her phone into the projector. "I thought this was a game night" I say walking up to Ayla " well it is but we always start it with a movie tonight we're watching the Princess bride" Ayla says sitting down on a blanket and laying against the half brick wall with the projector on it and a in ground pool on the other side. I sit down between Milo and Ayla and see Nash sitting on the other side of Ayla. The movie starts and Ayla gets up to use the bathroom. "hey Cora" I hear Nash say as the door shuts behind Ayla "yea?" I say looking over "do you know if Ayla's dating anyone?" He asks his face turning red. "I don't think so, she definitely would have told me by now." " Nash has the biggest crush on Ayla" milo says turning to me "dude shut up not everyone here needs to know" Nash says covering his face. Just then Ayla walks out of the house and sits next to me. The movie ends about an hour later and that's when we get out the board games Stella set the game clue up on the plank of wood we had sat on the ground to play on. "So Ayla do you have a boyfriend yet" i say glancing at Nash and see his cheeks turn red. "nope, not right now" Ayla says laughing and putting her head on my shoulder. " it's ok I don't either" I say brushing my fingers through her hair as I make eye contact with Nash. We began the game of clue and I definitely wasn't going to win. Ayla went to role the dice and just then Milo's little sister walks out of the house. " why aren't you in bed?" Milo asks "it's 6:30" his sister says sitting down in his sand box "well why don't you go inside and watch tv." Milo says standing up "dads using the tv and I don't want too" she says throwing sand in the air. " just go play inside" milo says patting him on the back "whyyy because that girl you like is here!" She yells Milo goes silent for a second and the whole group burst out laughing "so who's the lucky girl Milo" Nash says with a grin on his face "ok Adriel if you go inside now I promise I'll play dress up with you tomorrow" milo says in a calm voice " ok but I'm telling mom you said that so you have to." She says dusting the sand off of her. "ok, ok go" milo says he walks back over a sits down
" Milo, who do you like?" Ayla says in her cherry tone " I have no idea what she's talking about, she could be thinking of anyone." " ok whatever let's finish the game" I say rolling the dice, about three hours later game night was over and me and Ayla began to walk over to her house. As she opened the door she said "you know she was talking about you right?" " what are you talking about Ayla" "Adriel your the girl Milo likes" she says walking upstairs "come on I've been here three days" "exactly! Milo doesn't make friends that quickly, but with you it was no problem." Ayla says "I'm just saying i think he has a little crush on you!" She says pulling me in her room. "ok let's put on a movie and get some sleep" Ayla say grabbing the tv remote.

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