Chapter 5

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Charms with a charmer
"Oh fuck no." I say as I wake up pansy was sitting at the mirror in or room and both Astoria and Daphne were gone.
"What's wrong Ali?" Pansy says looking pretty worried
"Sorry nothing." I say quickly and get up and change into my uniform trying not to think about the dream I just have of Theodore Nott. I couldn't believe It fucking Theodore of all people it had to be him why not Enzo?
6:30-8:30 am: Breakfast
9:00-9:30 am: charms
9:30-10:30 am: transfiguration
10:30-11:00 am: potions
11:00 am -12:00 pm: DADA
12:00- 1:00 pm: Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm: Herbology
2:00-3:00 pm: History of magic
3:00-4:00 pm: Muggle studies
"Pans what time is it?"
"If you don't get your shit now and leave you'll be late."
"Shit thanks."
"Anytime boo." I grab my stuff and run I get to charms just in time I knew Enzo was in this class but he was sitting next to Mattheo I saw Theo and he was sitting alone so I sat besides him
"Ahhh Miss Micheals thank you for joining us. Might I ask why you were late to my class, or almost late." Professor Flitwick says
"Sorry professor, I woke up late this morning."
"Don't let it happen again or detention."
"Yes professor." I say I can feel the stares on me
"Are you ok?" Theo whispers in my ear which causes me to jump
"Yes I'm fine let me pay attention." I say annoyed he backs off as I grab my quill and parchment
"Ok we will be learning the charm Fumos, which is a smokescreen."
"Professor." I say
"Yes?" Flitwick responds
"I forgot my wand, can I go to my dorm quickly?"
"Yes, Mr. Nott go with her and make sure she retrieves it hastily please." Theo nods and I run out of the room and towards the dungeons when we get into the common room Theo grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall
"You're so gorgeous Princess." He says and slowly starts kissing my neck searching for my sweet spot
"Theo...i-" I moan when he finds my sweet-spot leaving a hickey
"Theo stop." I say and he pulls away put I'm still against the wall I wriggle out of his grasp
"So you didn't enjoy it?" He laughs and I run and grab my wand and my vape take a quick hit off my vape stash it in my pocket and rush out of the common room trying to get back to class quickly
"I had a dream about you last night, do you want to hear about it?" Theo says rushing after me
"Not really, knowing you it's probably perverted."
"What did you not fuck Enzo last night and know your all pissy because filch almost caught you two."
"How do you know filch almost caught us."
"I can't believe you Theo you fucking told filch."
"Yes I did." He says it and sounds like he's actually sorry but I'm super pissed off at him. I quickly walk back to class and sit down and practice the charm ignoring Theo and him trying to get my attention. The bell rings and I say
"Fucking finally." And Enzo comes up to me
"Did I give you that hickey last night?" He says shit shit shit
"Yeah you did Enzo you might've forgotten you were exhausted last night." I say
"Maybe I did but I would love to give you more tonight." He says almost a whisper so just we can hear it and I can feel my core instantly heating up. But not because it was Enzo but because I was thinking of Theo saying it.
"I would love that." I whisper in his ear before hurrying off to my next class which I had with the golden trio and unfortunately Theo and not Enzo but I also had it with Matt Tom and Pansy
681 words
Didn't know what I was doing
Mostly a filler chapter

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