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"As you all know Alison Micheals you all are going to help me." Voldemort starts out "Theodore here has been... very helpful with getting her to trust him. Right Theodore?" He turns to look at me
"Yes lord Voldemort." I say and I can feel the glares being shot at me from my friends.
"So why are we death eaters, why do you need our help?" Daphne asks
"Because" he states "she trusts you and we need to kill her and her family."
"But why?" Blaise says
"Because god damn it!" He yells "her parents ran, no one runs from me without consequences!" The riddle brothers don't say anything but they have a sad glint in their eyes even while disguising it well. She told me how they were like siblings because of what their parents did until they went into hiding. Alison said she was so upset that it happened.I knew all my friends hated me and Ali would too but no couldn't die but something about her made me want to. Just for her only for her.
"Now back to it." Voldemort says "Theo will be getting her address location whatever from her. Once we get it we are ambushing her house before she gets there destroying the house and anyone who stops us. We will grab her sister first and she will watch as I kill her family one by one, once it's only her sister left you all will reveal who you are, this will cause her as much pain as possible. I might even keep her parents alive long enough to have them watch their children die, we will see. This will be during the first day they get home for Christmas break, understand?" Everyone nods
"If you fail this mission you all die." He says walking out of the room leaving us in silence
"What did you do Theo?" Daphne says slamming her hands on the table causing it to shake "I thought you loved her after everything you two have been through. This will destroy her and she will never forgive you, or us." She yells
"Nor will she forgive me but we all had that figured out I'm sure." Enzo says slinking out from the darkness receiving a small gasp from most to leave their mouths
"Enzo, I thought you were reassigned." I say looking up at him anger in my eyes
"Yes, but lord Voldemort thought it would bring her more suffering so here we are." He says in a tone that sounds almost flirty
"We can do this without you." I say
"Lord Voldemort thinks differently; he has put me in charge to make sure the job gets done properly." He says a devilish smile curling on his lips shit this isn't going to work out how I thought it would.
475 words
I love rereading this book
so much.

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