Filming for 'truth'

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I woke up around 5:30 since I had to get ready for set today. Today I would be filming with seb, Ollie and alexia (she'll play the mum in the movie). I left dad a note saying I left for set and I drove to set. AND GUESS WHAT BITCHES I PASSED MY DRIVERS TEST. I signed in at the gate and drove into the parking lot. I saw ollies and send car already here so I got out and headed to the set area.

"Good morning Morgan it's nice to meet you" the director said giving me a hug

"It's nice to meet you too" I said smiling

"Your trailer is number 3 your next to Ollie and Alexia and your on set in an hour so get ready" she said giving me a key

"Thank you" I said smiling

I walked to my trailer and unlocked it as I walked inside and placed my stuff down. Soon later my hairstylist and make up artist was here and they got me ready for my first scene with seb and alexia.

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I got my lines for this scene and walked onto set

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I got my lines for this scene and walked onto set. I saw seb and ran to him and hugged him.

"Woah hello Dorito how are you" he asked hugging me back

"Good what about you" I asked

"I'm good just a bit tired since I've been up since 5" he said shrugging

"You'll be fine come on we are on" I said

I walked to the directors and the talked us through what we had to do and me seb and Alexis got into character and places.

"And action" they yelled

"Morning babe, morning Connie" Daniel said kissing Emma on the cheek and then hugging me. "Morning" I said packing my back back. "You ready for school con" he asked. "Yeah I have to show this new guy around apparently he's from London and my principal wants me to show him round so anything to get out of class" I said getting up and putting my bag on my shoulder. "Right be careful while walking to school okay and be good" Emma said kissing my check. "Mom I'll be fine stop being so paranoid I'm not going to get run over or kidnapped" I said grabbing my phone. "We'll be careful okay I love you" she said hugging me. "Ill see you after school" I said hugging them both. "Okay see you later Connie bear love you" Emma said. I waved as I opened the door and walked out.

"Cut that was amazing now Morgan and ollie your on now so we are going to film in an actual school" they said

"Cool where" I asked

"Mill wood high they are letting us film there we already have cameras and everything there" they said

"Okay I'll meet you all there" I said

We all got in our cars and drove to the school since the rest of the day would be filmed in the school. We got there and we started from filming on the outside when Connie meets Jamie and then they talk.

"You guys ready?" They said. Me and Ollie both nodded and they yelled action.

"Hi I'm Connie it's lovely to meet you" I said shaking Jamie's hand. "I'm Jamie aren't you going to give me my tour of the school?" He asked in a British accent . "Absolutely come on in I mean it's probably nothing compared to schools in London" I said opening the door and walking in. "Very" he said looking round. "This is the hall of fame as they call it, it's all the pictures of famous people that went here I mean it's a bit boring but I kinda ignore it and then this floor is maths, English and art and then the top floor is science, drama and music. We don't really have a lot of lessons in this school but it's a school and it's different something" I said. "It's pretty big " he said. "Yeah I mean it was only 1 floor back in 1980 but they adds a new floor. There's 2 bathrooms on each floor but the teachers are strict on toilet things around here" I said walking down the hall. "Where's class b for math" he asked after checking his time table. "Here I'm in this class to" I said opening the door. He smiled at me as I smiled back. We both walked in and shut the door.

It then cuts to Jamie and Connie at lunch

"How do you like the school is far" I asked. "It's different I suppose, teachers are bitches" he said making me laugh. "They are wait till you meet miss William she's a really bitch" I said. "Oh really" he said chuckling. "Yeah she made a boy pee his pants in front of the whole class because he didn't go at lunch" I said. "Hm London schools are worse" he said. "So what's your favourite class" I asked. "Definitely music I mean ever since my dad passed when I was 6 I've wanted to do music and someday write my own songs" he said. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said stopping. "It's nothing really I promise he was a bit of a dick anyway he had an affair with 3 different women so it was kinda just me and my mum" he said. "Hey here's my number if I don't see you after school call me" I said grabbing his phone and typing in my number and giving it back to him. "Will do thank you Connie" he said smiling. "No problem Jamie" I said smiling. We both looked into each others eyes and blushed and laughed. "Sorry that was awkward" I said. "Yeah just a bit" he said laughing. "You have a cute laugh" I said smiling. "Well thank you no one's ever told me that before" he said. "Yeah your smiles cute too" I said smiling. He smiled as I smiled back at him before moving my hair behind my ear.

It now cuts to Connie going home and hearing her parents arguing again.

I walked inside as i saw Emma and Daniel both arguing again. "Do you two ever shut the fuck up" I said. "Con your home" Daniel said.
"Yeah I'm home" I said kicking off my shoes. "How was school" Emma asked. "Fine just the same bitchy teachers" i said putting my bag down and grabbing my phone. "Okay well go get showered and changed dinner will be ready soon" Daniel said. "Not hungry but thanks tho" I said running off upstairs. I ran to my room and flopped on my bed as my phone buzzed and I saw it was a message of Jamie. I opened it and we texted for a bit while I laughed at some.

We finished filming and then I kissed Ollie goodbye as I drove home and had dinner with dad and cami and heads to bed.


Words: 1162💗

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