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-may 7th-

I woke up around 9am since i didnt really go sleep till 3 last night. I got up slowly and i still had a back brace which was not comfortable in the slightest. I got my crutches which helped me stand up since I couldn't really stand up properly. Also I got released from the hospital yesterday since I was healing pretty quickly. I walked downstairs and saw dad making breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head" dad said

"Morning dad" I said tiredly and walking into the kitchen.

"How you feeling" he asked

"Better" I said sitting down.

"I'm going to pick up cami today you wanna come?" He asked

"Yeah I miss my sea bass" I said smiling

"He's worried about you he asked how you are every day" he said handing me a plate.

"I also have 2 movies coming up" I said taking a bit of my food

"Oh really which ones" he asked

"I'm voicing in the new lion king and I'm going to be in euphoria with zendaya, jacob, Sidney and javon and some more friends" I said

"When do your start" he asked

"I start euphoria next week and then I start lion king in a month" i said

He nodded and we ate our breakfast and then headed to sebastians after geting ready. Dad got my crutches out the back and gave them to me as he helped me out. We walked up to the front door and dad knocked.

"DOVEEEEEE" cami screamed from inside

I looked at dad and smiled as the door flung open.

"DOVEYY" cami screamed once again.

"hey pretty girl you miss me?" i asked as she hugged me carefully

"always" she said

"well i missee you more" i said hugging her really tight

"come in sebby is waiting for you" she said

Me and dad walked in and i took off my shoes and we followed cami into the living room.

"your okay" sebastian said hugging me

"cant get rid of me that easily" i said laughing and hugging him

"your dad told me what happened how are you" he asked

"better still a few broke ribs and still wearing a back brace but you know km to strong" i said shrugging

"well your nickname is dove so you are strong" he said

"exactly so hows cami been" i asked whilst sitting down

"cheeky she missed you a lot but shes been good" he said as cami sat on my lap

"well she is my sister i wonder who she gets her cheek off" i said smiling

"you have a point" dad said

"hey you werent ment to agree" i said

"well you can be cheeky sometimes" dad said

"exactly sometimes not all the time" i said smirking

"i mean i am also her uncle yk" sebastian said smirking too

"exactly her hole familys cheeky" i said laughing

"how you feeling dove like honestly" seb asked me

"like shit excuse my french" i said

"ill let it slide" dad said

"i heard about chloe" sebastian said

"yeah he was ment to kill me too but no" i said looking down

"what happened to chloe bear" cami asked

I looked at dad and gulped and looked at cami and hugged her tightly.

"shes gone to a place called heaven okay shes being looked after now shes safe" i said as my voice broke

"is she happy?" she asked

"very happy" i said as a tear dropped down my cheek.

"when can i see her?" she asked looking at me

"soon pretty girl soon" i said kissing her head as she gently wipped my cheek.

I smiled softly and we talked to sebastian for a bit and went back home. The rest of the day was pretty boring tbh we just all watched films and cuddled on the couch. Something seemed off about dad tho...


Words: 654💗

Sorry this is a bit short xxx

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