𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟐 | 𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒂

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I woke up in my bed, confused. I was with Lex discussing the site, how did I end up here? My body rolls to the side to grab my phone and see how long I've been sleeping for. But looking at the time reminds me my appointment with the doctor is in ten minutes.

My body jerks up off the bed and I quickly book an Uber. I only had the time to wash my face and apply some lip-gloss because my bare face could traumatise someone right now from the lack of sleep. On my way out I see Lex and Nan in the living. I attempt to quietly walk past them but fail.

"Aira, are you going somewhere, honey?" Nan questioned.

"I have something to do. I'll be back soon. I booked an Uber," I said attempting to walk ahead because time was ticking.

"Uber? Why an Uber? Lex can take you," she offered.

Lex gets up from his Nan's lap and sits up. I can feel myself getting sweaty from nervousness. My hand pats my face to remove the sweat. He stares at me with investigating eyes to see why I'm sweating so much.

"It's fine I can go. Besides you have come from so far. He needs to spend time with you," I excuse.

"No. There's no need. You said you'll be back in a click," Nan rejected.

"I uh, I think my Uber is here. I'll see you," I inform looking at the notification chime on my phone.

Without another word, I head out feeling stupid for such a suspicious reaction. I sit in my Uber and confirm my location at the medical clinic where my appointment was. After giving my register, I take my seat in the waiting area feeling a bit more relaxed. This girl stares at me as I take my seat. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Hey, I'm Laura," she says, coming to sit down next to me.

"I'm Aira," I said.

She asks me if I'm new here since she's never seen me before. I told her I moved to Sydney a month ago. She seemed so sweet and we exchanged numbers before the doctor called me in for the consultation. I told the doctor that I was here for some sleep medication since I couldn't sleep at night. She looks very concerned and asks me for reasons. I ended up telling her about my PTSD from when I was twelve years of age.

She ends up giving me a light dose of sleep medication which should be enough to help. I collected my medicine from the pharmacy which is right next to the clinic and Laura was there too. She checks up on me saying she'd like to hang out soon.

Wow, my first friend here in Sydney. How cool. I know the medical place is the least exciting place to be making friends but I am kind of glad she came up to me. The time differences between Australia and the US don't allow me to talk much with my cousin Katie. I feel alone and bored most of the time.

When I exit out of the medical store, Lex's car was parked right in front of me. Laura turned my body to hug me before I could blink hard to clear my sight and confirm it was Lex but when she left and I did, it was him. His eyes glared hard with the sharpness of his jaw that it could break the windscreen. He gets out of the driver's seat to go around and open the passenger door for me.

Hesitantly, I gather the energy to walk around him and sit. The whole car ride back home was silent but the way his hand gripped onto the steering wheel initiated his anger about something. The car braked hard outside the entrance of our house, and he got out to open my door for me again like a gentleman. But when I refused to get out because of how feared my body became at his anger about something I know I am not responsible for, he yanked me out with a strong grip that hurt my wrist.

Like always, a protest should have escaped my mouth in response to his actions but as he dragged me up the stairs to his room, not a single word of protest hit him. Lex locks his door behind him.

"Why were you at the doctor?" the question rolled out demandingly.

"Why did you lock the door?" I returned his question with another.

"That doesn't answer my question, Aira," he chuckled coming closer to me with his head lightly nodding left and right.

"I have a personal life, okay," I sighed looking away from him as I figure out what could have possibly pissed him off because that was only left for me to do now.

"Where did you meet that girl? How do you know her?" he gets straight to the point.

"Are you spying on me?" I gasped, using one arm to push him away from me.

Lex grabbed a hold of my arm and twisted it towards my back by the joint. The hush in his body knocked mine into the wall to the point where there was no space between us. His body was as hot as his temper and it was starting to scare me. Despite the chaos that inflicted my brain, I held a confident gaze.

"Stay away from that girl," his voice purely warned.

"What girl are you talking about?" I asked with confusion.

"The one you met at the medical store," he clarified, locking eyes with me.

Laura, he was talking about Laura. Last time I checked Laura has not done anything to harm me. If Lex does know her that's his problem but I'm sure that Laura's crossover with me is just coincidental. I rolled my eyes in response to this silence. Twisting and nudging my shoulder against my back, I tried to free it but Lex twisted it harder. The whims escaped freely due to the pain and that did not excite Lex either.

"Lex, are you in there?" Liz calls, getting his attention away from me.

"Liz, I'll be down in a bit," he yelled wanting to deal with me first.

Another weak attempt to myself free from his grip came and I got hurt harder this time.

"Can you stop being like this?" my voice hardened. "Mind your own business and stop interfering with my life," the request escaped more softly than it should have.

Lex finally let go of me and slammed his door as he left. I close my eyes for a good two seconds hearing the loud thud. What will I do about him? No longer did I stay in his room but exiting it was worse. The house echoes with his yelling. I supposed he was talking to Liz and my heart hurt hearing him talk to her like that. Is he ever considerate of anyone but himself? I don't think so.

Liz is crying over an album which she hugs to her chest like it's the dearest thing to her. Lex left the room quarrelling with her in the worst way. A very rude and tormenting way. I could never imagine talking to anyone the way he just did with Liz. Why does he keep doing that? That guy has a short temper and it's so bad. He blows up anywhere.

"Liz, are you okay?" I worry taking a seat next to her, trying to comfort her.

She looks up to me with her watery eyes. God her heart is broken.

"He always does that. I want him to be so happy but he never listens to me. His birthday is coming up and soon it's our parent's death anniversary," she reveals in her hurtful voice.

I was shocked to hear about his parents. Now I understand why he's so cold. The hatred that stems in him from me is because of that reason. I've taunted him about them twice before getting to know him. I feel so guilty now.

"Aira, can you try convincing him for a birthday party?" Liz asked with immense hope.

"Me? Why would he listen to me if he didn't listen to you? You're his family," I nervously responded.

"Can you at least try please?" she begged, taking my hands into hers as if I was her last hope.

I wasn't able to budge from my place until she had finally convinced me to ask him for his birthday permission and I agreed to it in the end. Walking out of the room, my brain thought of ways I could even have the face to talk to him because we just argued. He's so stubborn I doubt I'm the last person he'd listen to anyway. Matter of fact I don't even think he appreciates the family he has left.

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