𝑪𝒉. 𝟏𝟗 | 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅

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Me and Lex are free from our last meeting of the day. I have plans with Laura now but Lex is acting weird these days. I don't know what's up with him and he's too complicated for my brain to comprehend.

Sometimes he'd be a real asshole and sometimes he'd be an extra real asshole. It just depends on my luck as to which side of him I get the next day.  After all my work was done at the office, I went over to Laura's house. She warmly welcomed me with a hug.

"I'm so glad you could make it," she smiled, happy to see me.

"How could I not? You're my only friend here," I laughed softly.

We both take a seat in her living room. She gets her maid to bring some snacks out. Her parents walk by too giving a quick greeting before leaving for their dinner. I look around her lush setting and it's so beautiful. My eyes caught on a picture of her with a little girl. Picking it up, I examined it with awe.

"Who's this??" I asked.

"That is my little sister," her face lit up with sparks.

I and Katie had many photos like this. I was the youngest and she was like an elder sister. The way Laura was about her sister, protective and adoring for me. Talking of Laura, we spent the evening talking about business.

"What about Lex?" she brought up with the teasing eyes.

"What about him?" my eyes rolled in hate and my eyebrows sprung upwards.

"You all having something going on?" she leaned back on the coach, taking a sip of her drink.

"Of course not. We're just business partners," I cleared out.

Me and Lex. Have something going on? I'd rather die.

"He's so arrogant and rude. I doubt anyone would have anything going on with him," I spoke. 

She continues to ask more about Lex which does annoy me. I finally have time away from things that revolve around him but it looks like Lex or Lex's spirit won't leave me. She even shows me around her house and does suggest we work together in business too. I would love to do that but Lex also has to agree since it's a 50/50 partnership. I certainly doubt he would because he's told me to stay away from Laura so many times. 

After another hour I decide to leave. Just as I'm about to book my uber, Laura stops me and insists her driver drops me home. Her house is half an hour away from mine by drive and the scenery on the way is so beautiful. Lex keeps calling me but I decline. I don't need to talk to him right now.

"Ma'am. Laura ma'am gave this drink for you," he says giving me a bottle with orange liquid.

I open it and it smells like orange. Must be the one she made by herself when I met her. I really liked it so I guess she must have packed some for me. She's literally the sweetest. I end up drinking all of it in no time. It's so delicious. I continued to look out to window and examine the buildings. The night city is beautiful. A few turns later, the driver takes a wrong turn and it comes to my notice because as he progresses further it only gets darker. 

"You took a wrong turn," I confront but he doesn't utter a word in response.

A strike of pain attacks my brain causing my vision to blur in the next few seconds. I hold my head in my hand and whimper in pain, blinking harshly to get my clear vision back but nothing works and soon I lose consciousness. I wasn't aware of how long I was passed out but the sounds of motorcycles speeding by with the ugly laughter of men.

My brain takes a while to gather and collect itself. I was alone in the car and the car was not locked when I attempted to open the door. I got out and a guy caught the sight of me. Turning his head back the rest behind him slowed down to see.

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