Chapter 1 - My Horn, Your Power

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Black, cold, and unwelcoming, suffocating and unbearable. Nothing, just silence, that's till I finally heard the cries. The door shattered into thousands of splinters as what could have only been demons launched themselves at me. I tumbled away ignoring the sharp stabs of pain and ruby that flowed freely from my limbs, nothing held me back either as I sprinted from the house. I slammed into someone, water dripping from my eyes.

The person spun around hastily and snatched my hand. They left not a single moment to waste as they parted the darkness before us. Their amber colored eyes bore into mine as they simply nodded their head, twisting around to leave. No, no, please don't! Please, don't leave me as well!

"No! Don't go! Please just stay with me," I begged, I grasped her hands, tight like a snake. Their eyes glared into me, piercing me like a spear, forever stuck and tearing into my flesh. My wound was left out on the display, would they come and help patch it up or leave it there to fester?

"My name's Leila, but what could you do for me? I need to find my own family, yours are no longer with us," Leila retorted, her voice as cool and steady as a block of ice. Her hand quaked as she watched me with a curious gaze as I felt like a deer who stood before a hunter's arrow.

"I offer a pact that will save our lives and help us find our families. Trust me, I'll do it and we can find them," I whispered back, the wind ushered me on as the wall of black I had finally noticed rumbled with tears and horrors. Leila looked back at me, her grip on my hand loosening as she took a step back. She took a breath and looked towards the blades I had wandered in minutes ago, her head softly bobbing.

I let the corners of my mouth lift as I extended out my hand so she could take it once more. She stared long and hard at the outstretched appendage before she allowed hers to fall into mine. The wind began to chant in agreement as the shadows patiently observed the spectacle, the crowd to the play that had finally begun. The curtains now parted as the first actresses took to the stage.

"The play has now begun, let all those performances and scenes to come be bathed in eternal fame! Shall those travelers that part with this tale forever remember and let all the lost be finally found."

The years ahead proved to be taxing on the both of us, Leila more than me. While I helped with whatever work I could, I could never remain in a job for long. My skills seemed to bring high distaste towards me, so I had to always be on the hunt for the next as Leila worked herself to the bone to provide for us. I was grateful that she was there with me, the discovery of my abilities to the rest were a freak accident, never ever was that thing to be revealed to reality but it still happened.

It wasn't meant to be such a dangerous thing; it was heroic yet the fear they had grew. The examiners would come and find the girl, they thought, they would chastise them and punish them. They whispered about how she was not one of them. So, she would suffer, she was not meant to be one with the crowds.

The trees and leaves allowed light to pass through its membrane, but no image of the snow puffs crossed through its barrier. The path between all those stalks wound around and around, never once those crossing the path of another. The sun's light bright but casted aside as the shadows crept over the trail. The clicking of something small and metallic echoed throughout the clearing. Before long the stone cliff rose to greet her. Before for her in smooth, chunky cliff face was a hole, gorged into the side. Almost as if it were a mouth, yawning to say hello.

"Finally, Leila! I thought I would never see you again!" I cried, jumping up from the little outcrop I used as a stool. My arms swung around her body as she wrestled to get free and put down the items she had collected. Disapprovingly, I let my arms fall back to my side as I skipped a few steps back from her. In her hands lay a small pouch, not full to the brim but clearly full enough. I shuddered from the slight breeze, was the scene going to end now? Such a shame, no one would mind just waiting for a little longer.

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