Chapter 10 - Scripting a Play

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No longer did that thing called night stay, no longer did that metallic dome capture the moonlight and, no longer did the sky remain black and speckled with white. Everything had returned to the next scene of the play. Behind the curtains though the actors and actresses breathed a sigh of relief because they could hide their secrets without faking for a while longer.

Word had come from the south that Alina had found the third amplifier but hadn't claimed it yet. She had found her prince as well but that had also alluded her grasp as he launched into the sky becoming one with the demons in the dark who yearned for new souls and flesh to join them. They would circle, scream, and hunt yet their claws would never scratch any flesh and their bellies would forever remain hungry.

Not for long though, the darkling isn't going to be taken down easily and neither was the fold. They needed to be inside the fold to destroy it using the amplifiers. That vile man would guard that thing with his life. His only weapon to 'help' the Grisha which he had long since lost. He's just using it to disguise his greed. One that should have shattered long ago but never had.

With this news, I took the last look I would take of Partas Lipax for a while. Alina didn't need to know this existed, after all she treated that knowledge, she gained as if it were nothing. I didn't need to spoil the haven further. They would have found their own base to stay so that's where we'll meet. The place that was really meant to be filled with the thoughts and spoils of war.

The Grisha had already left, with or without Alina's help this plan that I proposed a few days ago would still go ahead. Afterall, it was already in motion, how could I stop them now? The final things and belongings had been removed long ago. All that remained was an abandoned workshop, sleeping quarters and now candles with carvings, burning out the last of the remaining wicks away.

My kefta fluttered in the breeze behind me as my hand curled into a fist, and then no longer did those flames burn. No more did they rage and dance, smoke escaped the scene, they would never return. Like us, we might become smoke in the wind, but whether we'll be billowing clouds of it, or faint traces is up to those who record our story. The true story of the serpent and the shadow whose tale ended as the sun reigned supreme over the lands.

Leila gently held out her hand, her back facing away from the entrance, waiting for mine to fall in hers. I obliged, softly letting it fall to meet hers as she tugged me backwards so I would follow her down the overgrown path, back into the fields to reveal the harsh and blinding light. The sun's light touched everything, acting like a bright golden glaze over everything. Farewell my dear friend, shall I return alive, or dead does not matter but whether you withstand the force of time matters more. Our legacy still lives on in you. Never let outsiders who need no place stay and always welcome us into your loving embrace. Goodbye, Partas Lipax, you have forever earned a spot in our hearts. I hope you can continue our mission if we never return.

Alina had absolutely no idea what to do. Chaos was practically everywhere, saints, I swear it's trying to drown me with all this nonsense. I haven't gotten to mutter even a word; Alina would just start yelling and attempt to throw something into my face every time I try. They're going to give me a headache and it's not even close to nightfall.

"Enough! If anyone has a reasonable suggestion rather than yelling at each other, can you please just say it? We're all tired and I don't think any of us are loving being yelled at," I snapped, harshly glaring at the other Grisha huddled around. All of them manage to shut up at this. So, none of them have a reasonable plan.

"Let me propose something, the darkling has just received a force of a hundred Grisha who have claimed to have been waiting for him. He's set up an encampment right in the center of the fold," Genya stated, "They'll be most likely assessing these Grisha, but I assume a lot of them are going to at least be competent. So, the best time is to strike within a week. They'll be distracted and won't be ready for another attack. They'll probably assume we'll look for prince Nikolai and use the chance by practicing against the Volcra. If a few unfortunate accidents were to occur, then this could tip things in our favor."

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