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The Black manor had been the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix for quite a while now. Sirius Black-escaped convict of Azkaban- sat in his father's study ,his head resting on one of his hands, flipping through a genealogy book of all pureblood families.
He wanted to help the Order but there's nothing you can do when you're wanted by the Ministry of Magic. He had decided to figure out how many families had been recruited by Voldemort.
It wasn't until he reached the Gaunt family line that he felt stunned. Under the name Merope Gaunt was the name Tom Riddle, however it had been cut and the name Voldemort was written beside it.
That wasn't the reason he was stunned either, no, the cause of his surprise was a small line below his name that said Sally Jackson - Squib.
Sirius was amused by the irony, the wizard who hated muggles and muggle born had a Squib daughter. Below Sally's name was another name Perseus Jackson - Powerful Half-blood.
The amusement on Sirius's face was lost when he read that. A powerful heir, if Voldemort found out things would take a turn for the worse. What worried him the most was that there was no line indicating who the boy's father was.
To be a half-blood and powerful would mean the boy's father was a wizard as well and a powerful one at that. The Order would need to figure out his stand as well. Sirius's mind was racing and so was his heart.This search of his had truly brought good news. He picked up the book and rushed to find Dumbledore.
Fortunately for him there was an Order meeting happening. Rushing in ,he handed the book to Dumbledore without saying a single word. Dumbledore took the book and started reading, the more he saw, the twinkle in his eyes dimmed until his entire face had turned solemn. He had reached the same conclusion as Sirius. The consequences of having another Dark Lord would be catastrophic. It was then that Sirius spoke up "I got it as soon as I saw it, thought you would want to know "
Dumbledore looked up "You have done good Sirius, I have another task for you, Come with me to bring the boy to Hogwarts."
At Sirius's startled look Dumbledore sighed "You only saw the name and got the book, but you did not read the information.The boy currently lives in the States with his squib mother & muggle step-father . He has no knowledge of this world. As for wanting you to accompany me, well you are not wanted there."
At Sirius's nod, Dumbledore turned & addresed the rest of the Order "Voldemort had a daughter - a squib-by the name of Sally Jackson who in turn seems to have had a son with an unknown wizard. The son is a wizard & a powerful one at that. He is unaware of his lineage as well as magic. Though he is of age (seventeen) he will be joining Hogwarts as a fifth year. I ask of you not to judge him before getting acquainted. "
The announcement had left the Order stunned. So stunned that even Moody's magical eye seemed to have missed the glance that Lupin and Snape had exchanged. A hidden smirk had found it's way onto both of their faces. The only thought in both their minds was "These mortals have no idea what they are up against. "

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