Chapter Two

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Percy paled "He's gone, Luke........" "Percy I'm talking about the grandfather on your mother's side" Dumbledore said. Dumbledore had assumed that Percy had been close with his other grandfather and had lost him.
Black on the other hand felt that Percy had looked weird the way Harry had after Cedric died.
Percy felt the tension drain out of him. For a second he was afraid that the Gandalf look-alike would tell him that Kronos was back. However, he had a bad feeling. He was proven right when Dumbledore continued.
"Jim Jackson was not your biological grandfather. Your grandfather is a man named Tom Riddle."
" Wait so my grandfather was a wizard, magic somehow skippeda generation with my mom and now I'm also a wizard."Percy said.
"Essentially yes" Dumbledore answered. Sirius was surprised athow well Percy seemed to be taking the news.
"Could you please explain the whole process Mr.?" Sally interjected.
"Ah yes of course,my apologies I'm professor Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The process would be quite simple, I myself would escort Percy to Diagon Alley to get his supplies for the year. Though he is seventeen he would be joining in the fifth year. After getting his supplies I would then make provisions for his stay before the beginning of the year." Dumbledore answered.
"Is there anything else that I should know?" Percy asked.
Dumbledore realised the boy was cautious which made him curious as to what had made him so cautious. "Well this brings us back to the initial question what do you know about your grandfather?"
"That he died in a plane crash."
"That wasn't your biological grandfather Percy, your biological grandfather was a man named Tom Riddle, unfortunately due to some reason he became evil and started a mass genocide.About fifteen years back he was defeated, I'll come back to that in a minute, Now he has risen again and we have reason to believe that your family is in danger."
Dumbledore and Black tried to gauge Percy's reaction . Percy seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.
"You said he has 'risen again' what do you mean by that?" Percy asked.
Both men realised that the boy was quick to notice discrepancies and observant. A calculative glint appeared in Dumbledore's eyes as he realised that Percy would not be easy to manipulate as he had thought.Sirius on the other hand was comparing Percy's reactions to that of Harry.
"Well to put it simply he died and then came back to life." Dumbledore answered truthfully. This surprised Sirius greatly, he felt springing so much information on the boy would overwhelm him.
However he was even more surprised to see that Percy showed a thoughtful look for a moment before nodding at Dumbledore.
"Would it be possible to leave in a couple of hours, I'd like to make preparations for the year."Percy spoke in a measured manner without revealing any of his plans with maturity beyond his age. It never crossed anyone's mind that he may have been doing it on purpose.
"Of course my boy" Dumbledore readily agreed. He and Sirius got up and walked towards the door.
"We'll be here in exactly 5 hours. " Dumbledore said before leaving.
It wasn’t until both men left that the smiles on the faces of the family fell. The first to break the silence was surprisingly not the family but an IM by Nico.
"Am I interrupting something?"

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