Chapter One

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Percy was sitting at home with his mom when suddenly a ping sounded. Percy jumped up and ran, when he came back he held a plate full of blue cookies. Sally laughed at her son's anticsas they munched on the cookies while waiting for Paul to get back home. That night the three of them had the best meal.What they were unaware of was that this was their only meal in peace for the time being.
The next morning Percy seemed tense at breakfast.Paul and Sally exchanged glances filled with worrybefore reaching an agreement.
" What's wrong Percy?" Sally asked.
" Chiron I M'ed me last night, I have a new quest, well it's more of a favour for the gods, but I leave today." Percy replied
"What has you so tense Percy?Iknow it's not because of the quest." Sally said in a stern voice.
Percy winced," I'm going alone this time and I know nothing about this quest mom, this is the first time I'm going to go away from Annabeth after the Pit."
"It's going to be fine Percy it always is." Sally comforted him.
Percy felt the tension drain out of him. He smiled at his mom.She always knew What to say. At that moment, the doorbell rang Percy got up," I'll get it " he said. On the other side of the door stood Albus Dumbledore and Sirius Black. Both of them waited patiently for the door to be opened.Black seemed to be curious about the boy. Afterall the apple doesn't fall far from the tree but then again you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover and so Sirius decided to give the boy the benefit of the doubt. Dumbledore, surprisingly, was also thinking something along those lines, he kept wondering if the boy would be like a young Tom Riddle.
The door opened to reveal a boy of seventeen, black wind swept hair,sea green eyes and a swimmer's build. Sirius found the boy to be quite handsome while Dumbledoor was surprised to see the similarity between Tom and his grandson. Percy on the otherhand was trying not to laugh at the expressions on the old man's face which went from pleasant to surprised to panicked and then back to pleasant.
Smiling politely Percy asked both men "How can I help you gentlemen". Remembering the reason for their visit Dumbledore stepped forward "Ah yes, we are here to speak with Mr. Percy Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Blofis." Percy smiled "Of course sirs, Please come in and make yourselves comfortable. We'll be with you in a second. Would you like some coffee or tea, perhaps some cookies", he asked in a polite manner.
Both men were thrown off by his politeness. Sirius was expecting a spoilt bigoted noseless freak, while Dumbledoor was expecting a charmer. Neither were expecting a polite, good-mannered boy with a kind personality. Despite their surprise both men were able to refuse the offer of tea or coffee before they could refuse the cookies Percy had passionately expressed that his mother's blue cookies were to die for. Upon the boy's insistence both men relented.
While Percy went to bring cookies, the wizards made themselves comfortable on the couch. A moment later Sally & Paul walked in together.Sally was the first to speak"Percy tells me that you are here to talk with Paul and I. How can we help you?". Dumbledore smiled before saying "I believe it would be best to speak with all three of you together Mrs. Blofis."Percy chose that moment to walk in with a plate full of blue cookies. After he sat down Dumbledore began to speak "Mr.Jackson I would like for you to attend my school. I am aware of your expulsions in the past. I am also aware that none of those were your fault."
"What do you mean by they weren't my fault?" Percy asked curiously. For the first time he wasn't blamed for something. It was a good feeling.
"Well Mr Jackson — " " Please call me Percy." " Well Percy have you ever experienced certain events that couldn't be explained without sounding like, for the lack of a better word, a nut job. "
Percy and Sally exchanged glances. Dumbledore, seeing the glance smiled before saying " I assure you I'm not crazy and neither are my students. Magic is real, Percy. And you, my boy are a wizard "
"So what you somehow found out I have magic and want me to attend a magical school " Percy asked sceptically.
Dumbledore for some reason felt that it would be better for the boy to know about his lineage. And so he asked"What do you know about your grandfather Percy?"

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