Chapter One: Reborn

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She didn't know how long she was there, or where she even was.

She felt like she was floating in a strange gel-like substance. She was alone but also felt like she wasn't. She couldn't see or hear anyone but she knew in her very being that someone was there.

She spent most of her time sleeping. Or at least what she thinks is sleeping, she wasn't sure. She only knew that she was missing time and presumed it was because of being asleep.

Time passed slowly. At first, she felt like she was in an endless open space but now she could reach out and touch walls, weird softened walls. She didn't have a word to describe the strange feeling.

As the space got smaller she could hear things that were outside the strange walls. A soothing voice. She couldn't understand the words but they made her feel safe.

It took her a while to realize that the space wasn't getting smaller, that it was she that was getting bigger. The space was starting to get uncomfortable.

She tried not to kick or hit the walls. She didn't know why but something in her told her to be gentle.

A voice would hum to her making her sleepy and relaxed. The soothing sound often lulled her back to sleep.

The voice was humming a song that sounded familiar when it suddenly stopped. It wasn't the first time it happened but when she heard a grunt and suddenly all the gel-like water rapidly started leaving. She startled making her start to kick and hit the walls.

She tried to calm down but then something started pushing her. She didn't know what it was but the strength behind the force was much stronger than she was and she slowly started being shoved through a small short passageway.

When she was pushed out she cried at the sudden warmth leaving her. She was cold and she wanted to go back to where she was before. When she opened her eyes she screamed at the giant blurry man wearing scrubs. A doctor... her mind supplied.

She was confused and cold and everything was so bright. Why was he so big, or was she small?

"Well Miss Sommers, it's a beautiful baby girl!"

The man, no doctor, stated as he wrapped her in a blanket. She was just thinking that it wasn't very soft when the words registered. Baby girl?!

She was jolted from her freak-out when the world started zooming by. When it stopped she felt nauseous and scared but noticed she was on the other side of the room. Was that walking?

"Here you go, Nurse Webber." The doctor said as she was handed off to another person. Like the doctor, the nurse was also blurry but she sensed kindness from her.

The next few minutes were uncomfortable as they did tests. The worst was the weighing, them putting her on cold metal without the blanket. She also felt a prick, like a needle but it only lasted a few seconds. When they were done she was picked up again and zoomed back to where she was, although now she knew it was walking.

She was handed off to another female but this one was much younger, a teen? The girl was obviously her mother, she held her like she was made of glass. The simple act made her instantly connect to this person.

"Hello there, beautiful." The girl whispered to her, like she was worried talking any louder would upset her. It was the voice that would hum and talk to her when she was in the space—No wait a womb—Oh god she came out of someone's vagina.

She knew it wasn't the first time but she didn't remember then.

"Do you have a name for her?" A different female asked. She already had a name it was—It—what was it?

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