Chapter Three: Scrap a Spell

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Sadly Ivy wasn't there for Grayson's freak-out when he found out he lost his ring. Ivy liked to think it was funny and wished she could have seen it. She was sure it would have been epic. 

Staring at the ring a few days later she thought of all the hurt and damage it would do in the future, sure it wasn't actually the ring's fault but it would cause a lot of harm. It also saved a lot of people, and let Damon hurt others more. 

Ivy wasn't sure what to think about Damon and Stefan, in the show she thought Stefan was the good guy but thinking about it in real life, the life she was currently living, he wasn't that good.

Stefan was toxic to the point that Ivy felt nauseous. He acted like he was better than everyone else but pretended that he wasn't, so others would think of him in a better light. He was manipulative and controlling. He stalked Elena for months, watching her. Sure he felt guilty for what he did but only as a ripper, anything he did after or before that was because he thought it was for the best. 

He also had some redeeming qualities but thinking about it now, Ivy wasn't sure how to feel. She would hold judgment until she actually met him. 

He was a vampire, as much as people didn't like it they were different than humans... or witches, they had their own rules. You wouldn't blame a lion for eating a gazel. They feed on humans, it is their food source, but that doesn't mean they have to torment their food or kill them. Sure they sometimes killed when feeding but they didn't have to always do it. 

Ivy knew that a vampire was different, they were the apex predator but they were also once human. They still feel everything, even more than they did as a human. They might be stronger, faster, and almost invincible but they still had a soul, and feelings and knew right from wrong.  

Damon, Damon, Damon.... God Ivy loved him but in season 1, Damon was a monster, he abused Caroline, forcefully drank from her, and used her for his own gains, and then never apologized. 

That being said he did become a good person and it only took a little over a hundred years. Really though, unless he had his humanity off, Ivy doesn't know if she could forgive him even though he will not be doing that to Caroline, she wont allow it. 

She would wait until she met him too, and if his humanity was on... she wasn't sure what she would do. 

Looking back at the Gilbert ring she decided what to do with it. Opening her inventory she put the ring back, touched it, and waited as another window popped up. She still couldn't believe how much it was worth. 

Gilbert Ring!
Take Out
Sell: $800,600.00
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Ivy saved before thinking, scrap, and waited for another window to open.

Gilbert Ring!
Yes ☐No

Thinking, Yes, Ivy held her breath.

Gilbert Ring
Recipe Unlocked and added to Magical Craft Book!
Items added to Shop!
Items added to Inventory!
1x Black Agate
3x Slilver Chunks

It worked! Ivy sagged in relief, she had done it with a teddy bear to see if she would get anything. Considering there was a trash option it was a pretty safe bet, plus it was only a stuffed rabbit.

Ivy went to her inventory and saw 1 Black Agate and 3 Silver Chunks. She clicked on the Black Agate smiling when a little screen appeared.

Black Agate (Uncommon) {1}
Take Out
Sell $25.00
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