Chapter Five: Potions?

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Four months went by and Ivy could honestly say she was having the time of her second life? Anyway, Ivy spent the summer much like the last three years: beaches, amusement parks, and camps. 

She also spent a lot of time wandering around the town. She didn't get to wander further than town limits because the adults were watching her. Liz must have got some people to watch her. Makes sense since she was with Caroline most of the time. 

The last month she had been on her own, Caroline was spending the rest of her summer at camp. Ivy decided not to go so she could plan, Caroline wasn't happy with it but they called nearly every night before bed. 

Liz had followed in Jenna's example, and got Caroline a phone, although Care-bear had to beg for a better one, and since Liz and her husband were fighting it wasn't that hard to get it. 

Roaming around town did help. She filled out her map, got a few quests, and collected more stuff for experimenting. Jenna also started to give her pocket money, $5 a week which was a lot of money with their income. After all, Jenna was in college full-time and working two jobs. Mostly working to make their life better. 

Four months of saving had given Ivy a nice little bit of money. Between pocket money, money on the ground, and sometimes Liz would throw $10 or $20 at them when she and her husband Bill were fighting. Once she even gave them $40, two twenties were stuck together. Caroline would share with her and was now close to nearly $100.

Ivy and Caroline would spend Caroline's share of the money in The Mystic Grill and at the ice cream van for them. Ivy felt bad for using Caroline's money but promised to make it up to her. 

After begging her mom and being on her best behavior she was allowed to play in the woods, or in Ivy's case find a place to learn. She couldn't go far but she didn't need to. 

Ivy found the perfect place to set up her potions lab, it was a hidden cave that she had to crawl to get to. The inside was small for a cave but it was Mystic Falls, it was just big enough to experiment. 

Ivy set up Christmas lights that she borrowed from the Gilberts, one that used batteries. She also borrowed a cast iron pot, three wooden spoons, a mortar and pestle, string, jam jars, and a few other things she had been collecting over the years. 

Setting up the cave was a workout but she was happy with the results.

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Ivy smiled sadly at the notification, that she wouldn't get those benefits until her next birthday because of the Child Safety Lock. She didn't know the requirements to get rid of it. 

The cave was lit with red and green lights making it feel like Christmas. There was twine hanging from the ceiling that Ivy planned to use for drying herbs. There was a grey fluffy mat that Elena used to have in the middle of the cave. The cast iron pot was placed on a small coffee table with wooden spoons, a metal spoon, and different types of jars.

Against both walls were two large bookshelves that she kinda stole from a department store. Ivy planned to pay them back but couldn't afford it right now. The shelves were empty right now but Ivy planned to fill them soon enough. 

Ivy was pleased with her setup, going through her inventory she got out some supplies to start working on her potions. Removing the lid from the cast iron pot, Ivy looked inside thinking of what to do. She had no knowledge of potions and would just have to see what went with what. 

Crawling out of the cave tunnel she grabs a watering can from her inventory,  heading to the river to fill it with water. Once filled she puts it back in her inventory and crawls back into the cave. Taking the can out she places it on the floor beside the tiny table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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