Chapter Two: Baby 2 Toddler

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Once the world was no longer paused, Jenna spent hours just holding her and cooing at her. Ivy loved the attention but when it came to feeding time, she had a fussy fit until she tasted the warm milk in her mouth. Ivy can sadly say that she was disturbed and horrified when it was done. Yet she couldn't wait to get milk again.

Her first diaper change was much the same in terms of feelings, but the relief was felt too, shitting herself was not an experience she ever wanted to repeat, sadly it was quite a regular occurrence.

Ivy spent the first few months eating, shitting, and sleeping. She only cried when she needed a nappy change and stayed quiet through the night, unless she was with Grayson then she would happily wake him up with her screaming. Which woke Elena up too, double the crying and screaming. Ivy made life as hard for Grayson as she could. Up-chucking on his clothes, getting sick on him, shitting on his hand, nasty but worth it when he cried out in disgust.

Whenever Grayson lifted her she would stop crying, but if Miranda held her she kept crying. That way they figured out it was Grayson that had to get up every night.

She made sure to giggle at Miranda later as she got older but not at Grayson. Ivy hoped that he would think she didn't like him but she wasn't sure that was what he was currently thinking.

Ivy loved Jenna and was a little angel to her. Jenna would come home exhausted but still find energy and time to play with Ivy. Ivy had plans to be the best-behaved child for Jenna, making other mothers jealous of the sixteen-year-old who got knocked up. Ivy didn't like the way other mothers would talk about her mom. Whenever she was in daycare she was on her best behaviour. She also made grabby hands to Jenna and giggled when she was picked up.

CHA 2 ↠ 3

Baby cuteness for the win!   

When she was two months old she got her first quest.

[Quest log]
Tutorial Quest – Baby's Firsts! – 1/4 – Ongoing!
Requirement(s): N/A
☐ Roll Over
Reward(s): 25XP

One would think that rolling over would be easy but her body was not used to using muscles and it took about a month for her to roll over.

STR 0.1 ↠ 0.5
VIT 0.5 ↠ 1
END 0.3 ↠ 1

Ivy smiled at the getting her stats up, it was small but also pretty big for a baby. Still, it was hard to get to that point and Ivy was grateful.   

Quest Completed!
[Quest log]
Tutorial Quest – Baby's Firsts! – 1/4 – Complete!
Reward(s): 25XP

Ivy grinned when she completed her first quest. The reward was kinda small but she felt like she was getting somewhere. After that she started getting daily quests for weird little things like shitting on Grayson, Smiling at Miranda, and making Grayson frown. Shitting on Grayson was her favorite daily quest. 5XP per quest was nice and wouldn't take long to get somewhere.

Things slowed down a little when daily quests turned to daily quest. Instead of getting two or three, she was now down to one a day, and she had to complete it to get a quest the next day.

Life was boring for the next four months. Ivy did her daily quests when she could but they were getting much harder and the current one was a bitch but it was triple the normal XP.

[Quest log]
Daily Quest – Gray Day! – 1/1 – Ongoing!
Requirement(s): N/A
☐ Get Grayson to offer to babysit!
Reward(s): 15XP

After putting Grayson through so much shit, pun intended, he was reluctant to offer to babysit. Ivy had been trying to behave and be cute for a month. Ugh, I wish I could abandon this quest!

Would you like to abandon your current Daily Quest?
[YES] [NO]

Holy.... you motherfluffer!

After about two hours of fuming, she thought...Yes. Grateful that it let her leave it behind. Sadly her anger remained. Not at the system but at herself. Why didn't she think of that before? Stupid baby brain.

When She was six months old she got another Tutorial Quest.

[Quest log]
Tutorial Quest – Baby's Firsts! – 2/4 – Ongoing!
Requirement(s): N/A
☐ Sit Up
☐ Bottom Shuffle
☐ Crawl
Reward(s): 100XP

Woah...that is a lot of XP. Ivy started working on it straight away. It was exhausting and took a month of baby sit-ups to actually get up on her own. Once she was up the bottom shuffle was much easier to learn. It was hard but not as hard as baby sit-ups, that shit was worse than adult sit-ups.

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