•| after party |•

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Yibo was standing with his male friends on the bar counter, Wenhan also with them. It's been 2 hours that he and Zhan aren't together. Zhan went with Cheng Xiao and Yibo's other friends didn't let him go to find Zhan. He couldn't argue more with them. So he accepted defeat. Suddenly Cheng Xiao came, totally drunk. She couldn't even stand properly. She was about to collapsed when Xu Kai, one of their friend hold her.

"Hey, Cheng Xiao. Where is Xiao Ai?" Yibo ask. As she didn't answer Yibo asked again but in worry, "Hey where is my girlfriend?" Cheng Xiao could bearly open her eyes. "Ummm she's over there. We drink way too much." Saying it she pointed to the other side. Yibo immediately ran towards there. But Zhan wasn't there. He was about to return when he heard Zhan's voice from the other room. He went there and found there was no one but Zhan lying upside down on the couch. Seeing him like that Yibo chuckled. He went towards Zhan and sat beside.

"What're you doing hah?" Yibo softly asked. Seeing him, Zhan got excited. "Yibooo!!" He got up and sat properly. He curled his arms on Yibo's neck and smiled. He was totally drunk. "Why did you drink so much?" Yibo affectionately ask while tucking Zhan's hair behind his ear. "Am not drunk. See, am still talking in the female voice." Whispering he mischievously smiled. Seeing this Yibo again chuckled. "I didn't knew my babygirl could look this cute before." Murmuring Yibo nuzzle his nose with Zhan. Zhan closed his eyes, enjoying the nose nuzzling. He was looking like a kitten who's enjoying cuddling. "When did my bunny become a kitten!" Yibo murmured. Zhan giggled. "Should we go now my kitten?" Zhan shoke his head in negative. Yibo furrowed his eyebrows. "What? You don't want to go?" He ask in soft tone. Zhan nodded. "No, we need to go now." Saying it Yibo tried to drag Zhan but he start screaming. "No i don't want to go. Where is Cheng Xiao?" Yibo sigh in weary. He lift Zhan in bridal style and walk out. Zhan keeps throwing fists. Walking out Yibo met his friends.

"Xiao Ai!" Cheng Xiao shouts. "Cheng Xiao!!" Zhan shouts. Yibo sighed again seeing them being so childish. "Guys am going. Make sure Cheng Xiao reach her home safely." He said. Wenhan nodded in reply. "Don't worry I'll drop her safely." Xu Kai reassured. Then Yibo left the place with Zhan.


Zhan start moving as the sunlight falls on his face. He pulled the comforter and covered his face. Then suddenly he uncovered it, eyes open wide. His eyes roamed around the unknown room. All of a sudden a hand putted on his stomach as he was lying straightly. Zhan's eyes got more wide. "Don't tell me i came with a stranger." He slowly turn his head trying to look at the person next to him. Seeing it's Yibo a sigh of relief came out from him. "Huff!! So it's Yibo." But then he realised it's not his house nor either Yibo's. "Yah!! Yibo wake up. Come on wake up." He shouts, jerking Yibo. "What happen?" Yibo irritatedly whispered. "Get up." Saying it he dragged Yibo to get up. "What happen?" Yibo ask in sleepy voice. "What happen! Where are we!?" He yell.

"In my house." Yibo casually reply. "Wtf!! It's not Wang Mansion." Zhan said. "I didn't say it's Wang's house. I said it's my house. Yibo's house." Yibo annoyedly said. "When did you brought a house? And why i didn't know?" Zhan creasing his eyes. "It's my grandpa's house. Before he died he gave it to me. So basically it's a hideout and you're the first guest here." Yibo explained then climbed off from bed. Zhan nodding then creased his eyes again. "But why you bring me here?"

Yibo was wearing his t-shirt, he turned back and gave Zhan a confused look. "So? What you want me to do? Took you to your own house? In that girl outfit? Totally drunk? Do you even know what messes you created last night? How i bring you here only i know!! How i changed that god damn dress!!" Yibo express with annoyance. Zhan become quiet, avoiding eyecontact. "It wasn't my fault. I was drunk." He innocently mumbled but Yibo heard it. "What? What? It wasn't your fault!? Zhan who told you to drink so much? Thankfully nobody caught us." Yibo yelled. "Ok ok am sorry. But my head is aching so much." Zhan uttered. Yibo sigh and went to sat on the edge of the bed. "Go take a shower. We'll have breakfast outside. And we even classes." Hearing the word class Zhan remembered, "Oh yeah we have classes today. And fuck! What you've told to our parents? Does they know?" Zhan asks in panic.

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