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"You know what Emily, now am being embarrassed to even think i once really.....respect you when you never deserves it. How low can you even go for a boy who doesn't give you a single attention?" Zhan annoyedly express but honestly he was so hurt, thinking how can he even love someone like her.

Yibo noticed it so he secretly held his hand, caressing it. "Yibo....." Yibo hummed in response. "Give me your coat." Zhan said. Yibo become confused but he still took off his coat and give it to Zhan. Zhan walks towards Emily and covered her with the coat. " I think if you still have even a little bit of dignity you'll never show your face to us again. And if you don't have then feel free to become more shameless." Zhan calmly spoke making Emily swelled up in anger.

She was about to throw tantrums but Su Yue stopped her and take her away. Rong, He Peng and other some of their friends following them.

Chengxin's condition was getting worse. "Guys, am taking Chengxin home." Wenhan express with worry. And left the place with Chengxin.

"I'm going to clean up." Saying it Zhan walks away, Yibo run behind him. "Xiao Ai!!" He shout out but Zhan didn't stop. He keeps shouting but then suddenly Zhan stopped. Yibo immediately embraced him from behind. "It's ok." He whispered. Zhan turned around. Yibo cupped his cheek with a smile. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Hmm. Am just worried for Chengxin." Zhan express with concern. "Don't worry, Wenhan is with him. He'll take care of him." Yibo softly said. Zhan nodded.


Wenhan and Chengxin were in Wenhan's car. "Where're we heading?" Chengxin lowly asks, clutching his chest. "To your house." Wenhan reply. "No! Don't take me there. I can't let my parents see me like this." Chengxin somehow spoke, his condition getting worse. "Ummm then...I'll take you to my condo. I don't live with my parents anyway. So you don't need to worry." Wenhan reply.

"No no no....i shouldn't go with you." Chengxin uttered. "What you mean? You're going with me and that's final!!" Wenhan ordered. Chengxin sighed heavily. "You're not understanding..." He mumbled.


Yibo and Zhan were in the car. Zhan was looking outside when he realised something.



"Where're we going? It's not the way to home nor either Haikuan's Boutique."

"We're going to my hideout."

Zhan looks at him. "Why?"

"I got to show you something there. I thought to show you later but i think today is the best time."

Zhan furrowed his eyebrows. "What thing?"

"You'll see when we'll reach there." Yibo smiled at him, more likely smirked.


Wenhan and Chengxin arrived at the condo. Wenhan laid Chengxin down on the bed. "Am feeling so hot. No, i need a cold shower." Chengxin thought.



"Where's your bathroom?"

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